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Chapter 2

*October 2015 in London*

I stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around me. As I went to walk into my room at my brother's apartment, I was met with some kid on my brother's hockey team. 

"I'm so sorry," he gulped, looking up at me, pulling on his sweatshirt. "Matthew told me to change, so I just went into the first room I could find," he mumbled, looking into my eyes. 

"Who are you?" I laughed softly, crossing my arms as I looked at the guy. 

"My name is Mitch, I play hockey with Matthew," he smiled as I nodded. "Are you his girl-"

"God no," I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm his sister, Jackson," I smiled as he nodded. 

"Are you just visiting?" He gulped, smiling softly as I nodded. 

"Yeah, I live back in the States. I'm here because my parents more or less kicked me out of the house for the weekend because I kept picking on my little brother since Matthew's not home for me to bully," I smirked as Mitch laughed softly, nodding his head.

 "Did you teach him everything he knows about how to chirp a guy and get all up in his grill?" Mitch smirked as I shrugged, smiling softly. 

"I mean, I like to personally take credit for all of his success in that department, but he'll never admit that I'm the reason he knows everything he knows," I smirked as Mitch laughed loudly. "I also taught him to hit someone properly," I smiled as Mitch laughed. 

"In your opinion, who's the best player in the house?" Mitch smirked as he crossed his arms, sitting down on my bed. 

"I'd say myself, then probably my dad," I smirked, leaning against the door frame. 

"Where does Matthew and Brady lie on this ranking?" He chuckled as I let out a loud sigh. 

"That's a tough one," I grinned, looking at Mitch. "Well, I'm first, then my dad, then probably Brady only because he takes my advice when I try to help him. That leaves Matthew in dead last," I giggled as Mitch laughed loudly. 

"So Brady's the better brother?" Mitch smirked as I nodded, giggling softly. 

"For sure," I smiled. "When I tell Brady that he hits like a 4-year-old little tot, he usually comes at me ten times harder. Matthew on the other hand, sorta just rolls his eyes at me," I smirked as Mitch smiled at me. 

"And what about you? I mean, Brady supposedly hits like a 4-year-old and Matthew's chirp game is weak. What's your weakness?" He smirked as I shrugged, smiling softly. 

"I have little to no self-control. I often find myself in the penalty box," I giggled as Mitch laughed, nodding his head. 

"I can oddly see that from you," he smirked as the door opened, Mitch jumping up. "I should probably get out of your room before Matthew thinks something happened," he winked, running out of my room, the sounds of him rejoining Matthew ringing through the apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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