The new queen

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Author's notes: Forgot to mention this story takes place after frozen two, trying to keep this kinda realistic after the events. Please do tell me how was the first chpt as well! Thx!

Narrator POV:

Meanwhile, in Arendelle. Anna sits at her desk, hands massaging the side of her head as she takes a deep breath and sighs leaning on the back of her chair, "since when is being a queen so exhausting and has so much work." She whines, thinking back to how when Elsa was still the queen and how she managed to balance completing her royal duties and hanging out with the them.

She lets out an even bigger sigh as she looks down on the table piled high with documents and then leans on it to rest her head to grant some peace of mind, even if it was just for a second.

Some of it consists of new trade agreements, policies and even the Southern isles still apologizing for the event occurring years ago hoping to reestablish what they once had with their kingdom. At that moment Kristoff walks in and sees his fiance slouching over the pile of papers.

"Hey, everything ok?" He asks as he walks behind her chair wrapping his big burly arms around her shoulder, resting his head right above it. "I'm fine, it's just being a queen is harder than I thought, Elsa made it seem so easy. I wish she was here with us." Kristoff can clearly sense the uneasiness in his lover's voice.

"She chose to stay at the Northuldra to find herself more, and to help the people there out." "I know, it's just me being selfish and just wanting to be as carefree as I once had been. And I miss her." She let the last bit come out quiter than the rest.

Kristoff wanting to help and try to get Anna to relax a bit decides to start and give her shoulders a massage. "You know I bet most of the kingdoms you're replying to don't even know Elsa is not the queen anymore. Which is why I actually came in here, the council decided to host an official coronation as the one we had was kinda unofficial. Happened in the spur of the moment and stuff you know." Kristoff said giving a slight chuckle in the hope of lightening the mood.

As Kristoff hits a sweet spot on Anna's shoulders, she lets out a quiet sound kf satisfaction that would not be heard by others; but Kristoff heard it clearly. Living in the wood for most of his childhood helped him develop a good sense of hearing. Kristoff grinned, pleased with himself in able to help the new queen release some stress that she had built up in the past few days of being a new queen.

"You're right, we do need to hold an official coronation of well, me. Then we need to prepare for a week with invitations, preparations and some other stuff. "Anna replied as she shifted a bit in her seat.

After having address Kristoff's topic, she stood up from her seat to face the broad ice harvester. She pounces on him planting a passionate kiss causing him to stumble back a bit to land on the bed. Kristoff starts to blush deeply due to the sudden change of mood. She then straddles on top of his sturdy body and continues with the kiss.

After a while, he breaks off the kiss to ask, " don't you still have some work to do?" Anna looks into his eyes and Kristoff could clearly see that work was the last thing on her mind, "Leave tomorrows problems for tomorrow me." Anna says as she closes the gap between their lips that Kristoff had previously made to continue what she started.


The next morning, Anna woke up ealier than usual. Way earlier. She looks to her left to see Kristoff lying next to her peacefuly. She smiles as she watches his chest rise and fall, she has always been thankful for him for all his help and loving her espacially. But the smile soon desipates.

She looks to her desk to see the piles of papers, unfinshed from the night before. She knows she has to start on it early and now having to write multiple invitations to different kingdoms for her upcoming coronation.

Feeling a weight on her waist, she moves the covers on her side to see Krostoff arm around her in a protective embrace. Not wanting to wake him, she carefully removes his arm and makes her way to her desk to get an early start.

After an hour of writing just invitations, she was done. The last one she wrote was address to Elsa. She then shouts, "Gale!" As she does this, Kristoff jumps out of bed in shock. Anna turns around to see his surprised face due to the sudden noise earning himself a chuckle from the queen.

A few seconds after he landed, leaves came into the room that they were both in, "Can you pass this to Elsa for me please?" Anna asked turning to wind spirt with the invitation in hand. The spirt replies with a cheerful (smt).
It then whirls arround the letter and carries it in the air and out of the room.

Kristoff now wide awake walks next to where Anna was sitting, "what'd you send to Elsa?" "Oh just about the coronation in a weeks time, if she can come back for a few weeks to help me settle down on being a queen and sister stuff" She rapidly replies in one breath as she smiles sweetly at Kristoff. "Sister stuff? Do I even want to know?"

She smirks, "not really, now come lets go eat. Kai and Gerda must be waiting." As she grabs his arm to drag him to the dinning room. Kristoff just sighs and shakes his head in defeat, letting Anna take him to where she pleases. It would probably just be chocolate waiting for them at the dinning hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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