Chapter 1

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*this book contains mature themes, foul language, violence and gore. If you don't like any of those things, don't read*

(Jeff's PoV,)

I waited. I waited in the shadows of a young woman's bedroom. She was single and had no boyfriend, she had no family and she also never left this house, but she only would leave to attend school. I smirked at the thought of her loneliness. She will find peace now. I saw her enter her room and frown at her window, which I left open on purpose. She obviously went over and shut it, thinking she had left it open and she exited the room and closed the door. I chuckled. This was going to be soooo much fun, playing with her mind. I made my way back over to the window and slammed it open and for extra noise, I found a glass frame and dropped it on the floor. I didn't care what picture was on it. I didn't care for this girl. She was nothing to me and nothing to anyone. I slipped back into the shadows as I saw her enter the room one last time, looking around, presumably feeling my cold eyes on her. She went to pick up the glass and the picture and she started crying. I rolled my eyes and let out a deep, evil chuckle. She froze, tears still trickling down her cheeks, and whispered "who's there..." I once again slipped out of the shadows and quietly slipped behind her whispering in her ear ,"guess" . She screamed in surprise and tried to get up, but I pounced on her before she could make it all the way up. She screamed as she landed on the broken glass, entering her stomach. I turned her around so that her back was on the floor and that she was looking at me. I grinned, enjoying her pain and the fear in her eyes. "LET ME GO!!" She screamed at me. I tutted, putting on a fake disappointed face. "No can doooo... but question... do you think I'm beautiful?!" I said, while reaching into my back pocket and getting my knife. She looked confused as she looked up at me, taking in all my beautiful scars. "No, you're an ugly cunt who kills people for no reason!" She snarled and hurled her hand at my shoulder. I groaned in anger and pain as I realised she had stabbed me with a shard of broken glass. I was pissed off now. She was gonna get it, big time. "Bitch, you shouldn't have done that!!" I yelled at her, while taking my knife and carving a smile on her face. She screamed in agony as I took her sliced cheeks and started pulling them, so they opened up more and split so I could see her cheek bones and teeth more clearly. Tears trickled down her face as she squirmed underneath me in pain, trying to get away from me. I held her arms in one hand above her head, putting my face close to hers, observing my masterpiece. "You look beautiful, like me!! But... there's one thing missing..." I snarled when I said the last bit. I bought the lighter I kept with me, out of my back pocket and waved it in front of her face. "Do you know what I will do to you to finish off my masterpiece, Alice...?! Take a guess... look at my beautiful face and guess!!" She looked into my unblinking eyes and spat in my face. I let my guard down for a split second and I felt her push me off of her body. She got up and made a run for her door. I roared at her in anger "STUPID WHORE!!! GET BACK HERE SO I CAN FINISH OFF MY MASTERPIECE!!" I was fuming, how dare she disrespect me?! I got up and started chasing her, I was hot on her tail. I started laughing, the chase making me feel excited and exhilarated. "Come back here Alice!! I only want to make you more beautiful!! I've done half of what I need to do, let me finish the rest!!!" I said, putting happiness into my voice as I followed her out of the house.

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