Prologue / Date

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This is just a proof of how dramatic my life turned into within two months. How it all started was agreeing to a stupid date and wanting to feel alive and like a teenage girl but that was a big mistake or maybe it was just fate. Everyone knows fate likes messing around with me and then sit by the corner and laugh at me and what it made me do. Stupid right? I know.

Just knowing how hungry I was, I scooped a spoon full of fried rice into my mouth.

" So, let's play twenty questions? " he suggested.

" Can you come up with anything more lamer. " I raised an eye brow, concentrating more on my already finished food. Lord knows it was more important.

We had sat for thirty minutes in silence until he decided to speak up. His guards were sat at a corner of the room close to us but not too as to hear what we were saying.

He sighed. " You're an introvert, you're sarcastic- "

I interrupted him, " Good to know. " Taking a slight sip of my mango smoothie I asked, " So what's your deal? "

" My deal? What do you mean by that? " he asks, his eyebrows jamming together in confusion before he raises one eyebrow up. Well played sir...

" Ugh! Don't ask all stupid and innocent you know what I'm talking about. " I pointed out fighting the urge to dump my smoothie on the bird nest he calls hair. Jock! He was even more than that!

" But I know nothing. " he muses.

" Yeah right. " I rolled my eyes. " Mr popular, his a Greek god!! every girl agrees. I wish I could be with him!! Every girl signs. He's so hot!!! He's so cool!!! Can anyone ever hate him?!! I love you Charles!!! blah blah blah. "

" Yeah, what's wrong with that?! " he asks now looking calm as he played with his fries before shoving it into his mouth.

I ignored him. " Will want to hang out with someone like me, who is so sarcastic and so ' uncool '. "

" Yeah, what's wrong with that?! " he repeats now focusing on me.

" Everything's wrong with with it!! " I snap. " What's your deal?!!! What do you want from me?! "

" I heard you're a sarcastic bitch, you don't love anyone. " he started, turning all serious.

" I heard you're a player. " I rectified eyeing the door. Get me out of here before something heavy hits me...

" So let's play a game. " He grinned. Is he actually being serious? We're hanging out after school in a diner near a park, so what could he mean? Does he want to go to the park and play games...? Or he's talking about a stupid game where he expects me to talk after each second. What's it called again? Twenty questions! Would you rather-

" Is that the only thing that follows out of your lips. Games, twenty questions, games, twenty questions. " I took a sip of my smoothie.

He chuckled.

" The game is like this, let's sweet talk, let's play fight, let's talk 24/7, let's tell each other good morning and good night every day, let's take walks together, let's give each other nicknames, let's hang out with each others friends, let's go on dates, let's talk on the phone all night long, let's kiss and hug. And whoever falls in love first?" he holds me in suspense as he takes a sip of his chilled bottle water. Gulping it down he ends, " Loses. "


Silence was what followed as I thought about it. Is this guy for real? He actually wants to date me and if I fall in love with him I lose? If I do agree with him in this game and I fall in love with him -which would never happen- would I even tell him? Retard.

" You're scared you're gonna lose to a Greek god like me? " he triggered. Cocky much?

" What are the rules? " I can't believe I was considering this. But who knows I could turn it down the next minute.

" We date and act like love hit us ten folds and if you fall in love with me-" I raise a warning brow at him, he rolls his eyes before correcting himself, "-and if any of us falls in love we have to tell each other and not hide it. Cause if you do... "

" What would happen? " I requested before coughing and rather saying, " Who gives a sh*t what happens next?!"

" Fine then. Since you don't I won't say it and you would never know. " He sounded slightly offended. " Are you in or not? " he says.

" Tough girl is going down. " He let's out a somewhat forced laugh, wiping out imaginary tears when I stayed silent for more than a minute.

I knew he was pulling my leg but I didn't want to look weak and vulnerable so I smiled, " It's a deal. " What's the worse that could happen? I can take this guy down even though I was asleep or in a dream. Or both...

" Lovely. " He smiled vaguely before clapping his hands. On cue, a tall well-built guard came to our table and gave him a document before heading back to his table.

I held back a small gasp. It's a contract. Geez, this is actually serious...

Then I remembered, it didn't even cause him a penny. Stupid rich kids.

" So what's the punishment? " I asked and took a loud sip from my smoothie.

" If you lose you have to do anything I say for one whole month. " He smirked placing the contract in front of me.

" And if you lose you have to give me half of your money. " I brought out my hand for him to shake.

" Now that's a deal. " he shakes my hand using his eyes to tell me to take the contract. Wonderful.

Taking the contract I opened it, it was a more detailed account of what he said earlier -without sex of course- Just a normal girlfriend-boyfriend stuff I guess. I signed when I got to the last page of the contract and handed it to him. Who knows, maybe he would burn it to ashes when he realizes I'm ugly.

Get ready to fail Mr Popular.

And that's how my date was. We walked out of the restaurant hand in hand as we smiled happily at each other.

If all dates were like this. I thought to myself.


Finally the first chapter of MLMH is out!!! Hope it was okay.

A big thanks to Mystical_x_Heart for the amazing cover at the top!! ❤❤❤

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