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Many moons ago, there is a world called Finnea. Finnea is ruled by it's three founders. They are Belanor the god of peace, Thalia the goddess of love and Ehlark the god of chaos. They ruled Finnea for thousands of years bringing harmony to Finnea. Finnea is divided to 3 sections, the land of peace where elves,men and dwarfs. There's also the land of love which is filled with mermaids, fairies and fauns. However in the land of chaos, it held many dangerous creatures such as dragons, orcs, trolls and many more. The balance of this 3 kingdoms bring harmony and peace. There is also a fourth kingdom, The Kingdom of The Elder where Angels, Griffins and Phoenixs this land can only be accessed by those who did many good deeds and to those who protected the weak.

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