The Fall of Finnea

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As the good days come and go, strange sights of an unnatural occurrence of plants, animals and nature begin to wither and decay. In fact, Ehlark has been plotting an attack towards Belanor and Thalia. He started of by causing a worldwide drought that causes many civilizations to suffer. During the drought, people of peace, love and doom were fighting among each other, each day the tension between the people of Finnea was so tense you could cut it with a knife.

Belanor and Thalia soon realized who was behind the act and confronted Ehlark.

"We know what you've been up to Ehlark", said Thalia.

"You must stop this instant otherwise all life on this good earth will fall", said Belanor.

"You can't stop me now no matter how hard you try, chaos will ensue", said Ehlark.

Belanor and Thalia fought Ehlark for many moons but it always ended up in a stalemate. As the three founders fought, life on earth began to fall to the hands of Ehlark. Plagues were spread, plants are withering, the rivers are evaporating and the days grew darker leaving no joy for the people of Finnea.

In the land of peace, there ruled a king named Gorre. He ruled a city so great and powerful that even the most hardy creatures are afraid of it. The city is named Cithrel. Gorre took over the throne after his father, Nasir was killed in a war between The Land of Peace and The Land of Chaos. Gorre was only 14 when his father died, his mother, Eirina took over the throne until his son is at age to rule.

Gorre is mostly a troublemaker during his youth. Climbing trees, sneaking out of the castle at night and most importantly hanging out with his best friends Connark, Elion and Vulas. They always traveled beyond the castle walls to have a look towards the outskirts of the castle. When Gorre was 16, he snuck out to a night market to observe the life of a village. Gorre was walking towards a stall when he connected eyes with a girl named Calarel. Gorre couldn't look away from her as he have never saw a lass as beautiful as her.

"Here I'll pay for it instead", said Gorre.

"That wouldn't be necessary, my lord", said Calarel.

"Please, I insist", insisted Gorre as he paid for items.

Calarel and Gorre began to walk around the marketplace.

They began talking to each other and soon found out they had a lot in common.

"We should definitely talk again", said Gorre.

"Same place, same time, every day?", asked Calarel.

"Wouldn't miss it", Gorre agreed.

Gorre hurried back to his chambers and couldn't stop thinking about Calarel. He could barely sleep that night.

For the next 5 years Gorre and Calarel began spending most of their time together. their favorite place to spend their time together is a garden. It is not any ordinary garden, in fact this gardens hold thousands of Afamrail, a type of flower that protects the kingdom of Cithrel for many centuries. 

When Gorre had come of age, he proposed to Calarel in the garden.

"Will you marry me Calarel, the most kindest and most beautiful woman in the realm?", asked Gorre.

"YES YES YES YES YES!", exclaimed Calarel.

As Calarel and Gorre was planning the wedding, Gorre had his coronation in the rite of spring. Flowers bloomed when he was crowned king, birds began to sing as the king of Cithrel began his legacy. When the cold of winter comes, Gorre and Calarel had their wedding pronouncing them husband and wife. 

Calarel and Gorre was expecting their firstborn in the summer. On 14th of June, Arel was born. He has sly blue eyes, ash blonde hair and he is a loving, caring boy.

Soon, on the 20th of December, Calarel and Gorre's second child, Arbane was born. Arbane's appearance was slightly different than Arel. Arbane has dirt brown eyes, flaming red hair and he is the bravest boy in the kingdom.

On the 3rd of January, Calarel had caught a disease that would take away her life. All the healers in Cithrel attempted to save the queen however none of them were successful. The healers can't even revised a cure for her.

Gorre spent all night and day taking care of his dying queen. Arel and Arbane were also there to company them.

"I can't let you go, Calarel",sobbed Gorre.

"You never will, I'll always be with you", said Calarel in tears.

"Take care of Arel and Arbane, they need you", added Calarel.

Gorre nodded knowing that it'll be the last night he'll see Calarel smile. Calarel  passed in her sleep whilst holding hands with the love of her life.

The kingdom mourned for an entire month. Arel and Arbane couldn't forget the memories they had with their mom. As for Gorre, he spent the next few months caring and teaching Arel and Arbane.

Gorre also taught them on using weapons such as axes, swords, bow and arrow and daggers. Arel became a master sword fighter whilst Arbane has never missed a shot while using his bow. Both Arel and Arbane had make their father proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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