Part 9

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Skye POV

        After three months of dorming with Infinite, it's nice to be back in my apartment. Granted I didn't have much time to get attached to the place before being forced into the dorm.

        I looked around and everything seemed to be in place. My Uncle did say that he would check in on the place, dust and throw out the expired food for me. I brought my suitcase into the bedroom and climbed into bed. I guess I really did get used to having Sungjong beside me, because I had difficulty falling asleep.

        "Maybe I should have kidnapped him?" I chuckled to myself.

        My uncle decided to give me some time off considering I had only just arrived and was forced to work non stop for three months.

        The week seemed to pass extremely slowly. I never realized how much I really did for those guys until I didn't have to do it any more. I didn't have to get up as early, didn't have to clean up after them and I didn't have to hide the fact I was a girl.

        Saturday evening, my Uncle called and asked me to meet him at the office. We were supposed to be going out to eat and he was going to pick me up, but he was running late. I grabbed my things and made my way to the office.

        When I arrived, my Uncle grabbed my arm and dragged me to one of the dressing rooms. "She's all yours!" he called out before closing the door.

        "What the....."

        Suddenly I heard giggling from behind me. I turned around and was shocked to see the coordi staff for Infinite.

        "Don't worry" one of them said as she approached me. "The President told us everything and we won't say a word. Though it's quite surprising to find out you're a girl. You really could pass for a guy."

        "Yeah, well I get that a lot" I rubbed the back of my head.

        "You know" another girl started. "Most girls who tend to look boyish, usually end up looking like goddesses once they are dressed up."

        I couldn't help but chuckle "Yeah, but I'm too lazy to dress myself up. I'd rather just wear comfortable clothes."

        "Well, leave that to us" the first coordi said. "There are some clothes in the changing room. Put them on and come back out so we can do your hair and makeup." I started walking to the changing room, but was stopped when she said "And no complaining! Just put it on."

        I didn't like the sound of that. I got into the changing room and looked at what they had picked out for me. I sighed when I saw it was a frilly and lacy dress. Thankfully, they paired it with a pair of flats. There was no way I would be able to wear heels.

        I came out and had the coordi zip me up because I couldn't reach the zipper. Then they had me sit in one of the chairs and they got to work on my hair and makeup. For my hair, they added some extensions so that my hair was now halfway down my back. It felt awkward, but it looked amazing. Finally they put some light makeup on me and had me take a look in  front of the long mirror.

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