Part 12

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Skye POV

        It's been a few weeks since my Uncle made the official statement regarding Sungjong's scandal.

        Hello, this is Woollim Entertainment

        We are here to address the recent photos of Sungjong that have been brought to our attention. After speaking with Sungjong, we have confirmed that he is in fact dating the young woman pictured with him. At the time of the photos, they were on a date and had a bit of a misunderstanding.

        We are asking fans to look kindly upon this couple as they are still in the early stages of their relationship. Please allow them to date like a normal couple and try to refrain from taking pictures and posting them online.

        Since then, the guys have gotten back to work and we are about to start another round of promotions. I've moved back into the dorm with them, but this time Sunggyu has told Sungjong that he would have to give up his room and that he has to sleep with the other members.

        "This is not fair!" he whined. "We were able to share my room before, why can't we now?"

        I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. "That was before they knew I was a girl."

        "Still, It's not like anything is going to happen."

        "I know, but if the fans were to find out that we've been sharing a room, things could get complicated."

        "How would they know? They still think you're a guy" he smiled.

        "You know it won't always be like this. Eventually they will realize that I'm a woman."

        He sighed "I know." Then he collected his things and walked over to Sungyeol's and Myungsoo's room to deposit them.

        "I still can't believe that you can put up with him" Youngjun said.

        "He's not as bad as you guys think" I replied.

        "He's only like that with you. When you're not here he is constantly causing trouble" Sunggyu said as he walked over.

        "So when do we get to see you all dressed up?" Woohyun wiggled his eyebrows.

        "Careful what you say Woohyun" I smiled as I saw Sungjong standing behind him.

        "Why?" he was confused.

        "Because she already has a boyfriend" Sungjong said causing him to jump from the shock. Then he walked over and gave me a peck on the lips before turning to them and saying "She's mine! And don't you guys forget it!"

Sungjong POV

        Ever since this promotion started, we've been working non stop. Today we had a fan signing event. Ever since the news of my dating was released, the fans kept asking about my girlfriend. I was really getting irritated. Why can't they let me have some privacy?

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