4. Chinatown pt.1

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Asher's pov
I fell into step beside Balthazar.
"If we can track the Grimhold so can Horvath." Balthazar explained.
"So why don't we just take the eagle?" Dave questioned.
"Too high-profile for a trip downtown." He said. We continued walking until we came to a old car.
"Uh I'll have to call you a tow." The guy said looking over the papers Balthazar had given him.
"Won't be necessary." Balthazar muttered.
"Yeah but this car's been impounded for 10 years." The guy argued.
"Yeah this is low-profile." Dave grumbled. I rolled my electric blue eyes and sighed.
"I like it, it's classy." I stated. Balthazar got in the driver's seat and snapped his fingers. The car sprung to life and Dave jumped back a bit.
"She missed me." The sorcerer said. I hopped in the passenger seat and that put Dave in the back. And just like that we were off. "I'm gonna give you the basics. Strictly sorcery 101. Put on the rings." I looked at Balthazar skeptically. "Nothings going to happen."
"Yeah?" Dave questioned. He and I put on our rings and Balthazar swerved the car. I yelped and grabbed onto the nearest thing, which happened to be the sorcerer beside me.
"Kidding." He chuckled. I glared at him and let go of his jacket.
"Very funny." I mumbled.
"You've heard how people only use 10% of their brains? Sorcerers can manipulate matter because they're born with the capability to use the entire power of their brains. Which also explains why molecular physics comes so easily to you two." Balthazar explained.
"So, wait is sorcery science or magic?" Dave asked confused.
"Yes and yes. For now, all you two need is a basic combat spell. Making fire. What causes molecules to heat up?"
"They vibrate." I stated.
"Everything we see is in a constant state of vibration, thus the illusion of solidity. But how do we take that which appears solid and have it burst into flames? We will the vibrations to go faster. Step 1, clear your mind. Step 2, see the molecules. Step 3, make them shake." I watched in wonder as the parking ticket on the car he was looking at spontaneously combusted. The flames dance as I continued to stare in awe.
"Woah." I whispered.
"Got it?" He turned to Dave.
"No I definitely don't 'got it'." Dave muttered
"Trust the ring Dave. And keep it subtle. Civilians mustn't no magic exists. That would be complicated."
"Says the guy in the 350-year-old Rawhide trench coat." Dave murmured. I laughed slightly

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