Summer Romance: 1

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Kim Taehyung
Hawaii, Honolulu

The sky was clear as the sun shone down on the windy beach. People were scattered like ants among the golden grains of sand. Some playing around in the water, some fishing and others lying under beach umbrellas, simply enjoying the nature of the wild, untamed ocean from a distance. The waves, turquoise and white with foam, rolled in viciously, the tide high and mighty, daring one to enter its domain.

Among the clusters of people, sat a girl under a small umbrella, a notebook in hand as she captured the scenery of the serene ocean with her charcoal pencil. Her gaze sometimes straying to the lazy waves longingly, as if she wished to abandon all cares and dive into it's cool waters. But a nagging feeling at the back of her mind reminded her why she could not and she suddenly felt sick. Slipping her notebook into her bag, she picked up her umbrella and towel and walked off, away from the alluring sea and towards the bustling streets. Her feet stopped in front of a surf shop where surf boards, swimming costumes and other beach related items were for purchase. The air inside the shop was cool due to the heavenly air conditioning and customers milled around, not wanting to step out into the blazing hot sun. She smiled lightly as she made her way to the back of the shop, where only staff were allowed.

"Hey Ahjusshi," she greeted the old man sitting at a table with his brows furrowed as he looked over the accounts of his small business. At the sound of her voice, his head snapped up and his face brightened up with a smile.

"Ah, if it isn't my favourite person in the whole wide world," he muses as he slips off his glasses.

"Me? Please, you only say that because you don't have to pay me to work here," she scoffs as she puts away the umbrella and deposits the towel into the washing machine handy in the corner. "Anyway, I'll be out a little late today. Don't forget to tell mom, so she won't have to prepare dinner for me."

"Okey dokey kid," the old man gives her a mock salute as she opens the door, "Say, where do you go and so late too?"

She smiles mischievously, "It's. . .a secret." The door closing behind her as she slips out.

As she walks along the streets, noises of cars and people surrounding her, she feels most calm and in her element. Taking in the way her little world goes about their day. The restaurants she walks past are all filled to the brim with people chatting excitedly and taking pictures of themselves as well as the delicacies on their plates. Tourists were a usual in her small island of Honolulu, milling around the beach and malls, some even dared to venture into the mini wilderness for a hike. It was truly a beautiful place, a place she called home. So immersed in the scenery was she, that she didn't see the boy on his skateboard heading straight for her until it was too late. He tried to stop their collision at the last minute but it was futile, his body slammed into hers and their centre of gravity shifted, a loud profanity leaving his lips before they both tumbled onto the grass beside the sidewalk unceremoniously. His arms were propped up, almost caging her in, stopping his body weight from fully crushing her.

"You can open your eyes now," he cheekily says, not moving just yet. Her eyes flutter open at that, stormy grey irises meeting ocean blue ones, they clashed again each other like the sky and sea. She stares at him for much longer than intended as his ears and cheeks start to turn a lovely shade of red. She notices and her eyes stop taking in his ethereal feature for a moment before snapping back up to meet his eyes.

"You can get off now," she mocks with a smirk. The mysterious skater boy obliges and offers her a hand, pulling her onto her feet with ease.

"I'm so sor-"

"I should've-"

They both speak at the same time, a light laugh following after at their actions.

"You first," he says, motioning for her to continue.

"I-uh, just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I wasn't exactly looking where I was going." Her hands fumble with the straps of her bag.

"Me too," he says with a laugh. "Infact, how about we make it up to one another?" She has no idea where this is going and is quite skeptical considering she just bumped into him, literally, but her curiosity pushes her to consider his offer.

"What'd you have in mind?" She tilts her head to the side, in a puppy-like manner and asks.

"Well. . .I work at the café down by Kailua beach, I wouldn't mind giving you a free drink and treat, if you go on a date with me."

Her mind, for almost the first time in her life, short circuits and she looks up at the blonde haired male in front of her, her eyes unblinking as she stares at him. A boxy smile brightens up his face, his eyes crinkling closed into little crescents.

"What's your name?" She asks after a moment of hesitation.

"Kim Taehyung, and yours m'lady?" He replies with a dramatic bow and a wink.

"Hmm well maybe you'll have the chance to find that out when we meet again."

And with that, she swiftly side steps past him and crosses the street.

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