Enter: Roy Mustang

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Roy Mustang was a pretty impressive guy to most people. He was 25 and already a state alchemist, therefore, holding the rank of Major. Today would be his official first day on the job under his new commanding officer, Brigadier General Edward Elric.

Mustang had heard of this Elric guy before, from the Eastern Rebellion in Ishbal. He was almost an urban legend and he supposedly had one of the highest body counts, along with a nut named Kimblee who went crazy after the war. Honestly, the war was kept pretty quiet and it was taboo to mention, but there were always whispers. The young major had pretty high expectations for this new job to say the least.

When the Flame Alchemist, all prim and proper in his new military uniform, found the door to his new leader's office, he quietly knocked three times on the hard white oak.

"Just come in, the doors unlocked," said a voice inside. Roy made an attempt to push open the door but it didn't budge. A different voice then called, "Chief usually just kicks it in," chucking. There were scuffs and a lot of dents with missing paint but the new recruit didn't want to be punked by the others in his unit so he just turned the knob again and pushed until he got in.

Mustang stumbled in with his firm right hand at his brow in a salute, spouting out the words, "Major Roy Mustang, Flame Alchemist, assigned to Brigadier General Edward Elric, reporting for duty."

The next thing he heard was cackling. Full on hollers from everyone in the room. To say he was embarrassed was a huge understatement.

"Oh, man, I needed a good laugh," said a young looking guy with an unlit cigarette in his mouth and a tuft of blonde hair on his head.

"Yeah, ha ha, that was good," said another, larger man with orange hair and a slight beard. But then another person came out from a door that seemed to lead to a personal office off to the side.

"Major Roy Mustang, I hate to break it to ya but that's not how this office works." This criticism, however, came from a short little kid with long blonde hair and piercing golden eyes with a scar running across his forehead down to his jawline.

"Um... who are you, kid? Why are you in a government building?" Roy asked. He was obviously not a soldier because 1) he was like 12 and 2) he was wearing a leather jacket, black tank top and leather pants, completely not suitable for a member of the military.

"You're my new recruit, old man. The name's Elric," he said with a grin, extending his gloved hand. As you can imagine, Roy wasn't really having it considering this kid was a toddler so he replied with a dumbfounded look.

"Heyy Mr Fire Boy," said Ed, snapping. "You forget your hearing aids or something." Realizing what the blonde had said, Roy finally spoke.

"I'm only 25. And I'm a major."

"Wow. I'm 15 and a Brigadier General. Now that we've established this, I'll be setting a few ground rules. First, no use of titles. They don't matter here unless a high ranking officer is present. The rest will come over time."

"So you're actually the Fullmetal Alchemist? Like 'the hero of the people,' 'the great equalizer'?"

"Yes. Now are you gonna leave me hanging?" Ed said, putting out his hand once again. Mustang took it this time and made a confused face until realization finally struck.

"It's metal by the way," said the guy with the cigarette from earlier. "I'm Jean Havoc. And if you must know, I'm a Second Lieutenant. That's Heymans Breda. Kain Fuery and Vato Falman are out at the library getting some books for the boss."

"Yep. Now, first order of business! Let's go outside. I want you to attack me," said Elric with a shit-eating grin on his face.

The kid was already walking out when Mustang muttered "What the hell is this unit?"


"Alright, come at me." The Brigadier General said, having taken the whole team, including Fuery and Flaman, outside to the training grounds and handing Havoc his black jacket, revealing his glistening metal arm.

"I-I don't know what you want me to do, Brigadier General..." he said.

"Ah ah ah. Remember what I said about the titles, Mustang?" Ed replied. "And just hit me with your best move. Whatever you want."

"Um alright. I don't want to hurt you though... sir?"

"Oh never call me "sir" gramps. Anything but that! And last I checked, I am the commander, subordinate. Go for it," said the little twerp.

"Okay..." Roy said, finally submitting to the odd officer. He snapped his fingers, quickly, unexpectedly, soon after, sending about 10 fireballs at the boy. Unsure of whether or not to attack again, but still on high alert, The Flame Alchemist did nothing, waiting for the smoke to clear.

Big mistake.

Seconds later, Edward was running at his new recruit, clapping his hands, letting the sound ring out, and transforming his right hand into a sharp blade. Roy only processed this after the dust had dispersed and his glove was torn right through the circle. Great. No more alchemy.

The two resorted to hand-to-hand combat, with Roy almost entirely on defense. Edward was fast and strategic, but his unwavering expression of boredom told Roy that the kid was holding back. After dodging multiple punches and kicks, Ed managed to swipe out the Major's legs and pin him down with his knifed arm held towards his throat.

After a moment of staring and a haunting expression on the veteran's face, Ed simply clapped his hands together and changed his arm back.

"You should figure out how to make sure that doesn't happen again. You know, the glove," said young Edward.

"Do you have the circles tattooed or something? How did you do that?" Roy asked, after a second, dumbfounded. He had never seen alchemy done like that before so he had to ask some questions.

"Maybe I'll tell you one day. I'll just say that, in a way, I am the circle. It's something I hope you never have the curse of knowing. You can try to figure that out if you want." And with that, the gifted Alchemist walked right back to the door.

"Hey don't feel bad, Roy. He doesn't trust too easy," said Breda, understandingly. "He'll warm up to ya eventually. Tell you about himself."

"In the meantime, he'll probably be asking you about yourself a lot," added Fuery, a young looking guy with cropped black hair and thick rimmed glasses. "Don't be intimidated though. He's usually harmless."

"Thanks you guys," replied Mustang, with a sincere tone.

But then Havoc said, with a devious grin, "Well don't thank us yet. The real fun is just about to begin."

Elric's Unit: Unconventional At BestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora