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I was at work cleaning everything up before we opened, I couldn't stop smiling for the life of me. Neither could Ethan.

The bar opened, and as usual it was quiet to start of with "Charlie! Alright!?" I turned around immediately to see the familiar face at the other side of the bar "Ollie! The usual?" Ollie was in his late 40s and came in every once in a while to catch up, he used to be friends with my dad and since he passed away he seems to think he needs to look after me. "Yes please love" I picked up the pint sized glass pouring him a beer "so, how are the kids?"

We had a bit of banter before the bar started filling up and there was only me, Ethan, and two other people working, George and Lisa. "I'll catch up more on my break Ollie, getting busy!" He nodded taking a swig of his pint so I served someone else.

"Hey lady!! Hey! Service!" I was serving someone while being rudely interrupted. "Hello!! Aren't you supposed to be serving!?" He kept repeatedly clicking his fingers at me so I spun around looking at him "Listen here, mate! I am busy if you hadn't noticed, and you'll get served when I can get to you, but for now shut up!" I faced the girl I was serving and handed her, her apple martini "Im sorry for the wait love" she gave me a polite smile taking her drink and walking away. Then the guy started clicking his fingers again "George!! Can you serve this dude?! Im on break" Before I knew it George was standing behind me. He was really tall and buff, rather intimidating too. "Sure thing Charlie!"

I went into the staff room for a breather. I knew tonight was going to be busy but this is manic! As I sat down Ethan walked in smiling like a lunatic. "They're here! You're the only one with experience, and isn't busy you have to serve them!" I sighed, as much as I love them and want to meet them, I really cannot be fucked. "Ugh but its my break" I got up slowly brushing myself off and checking myself in the mirror that was on the wall before I left. I don't want to go but I can at least look good.

I can see them. Oh my god. I can see them. I didn't want to come across as an obsessed fan so I tried to be everything Im not. "Hi Im Charlie, what drinks would you like? We also have a selection of hot foods" Josh looked at me confused and everyone else continued their banter "You're Charlie? Oh, when that guy said he was getting Charlie, I expected a bloke" he started laughing leaving me with an unamused look on my face "Yeah, I get that a lot, anyway, drinks?" He got everyone's attention asking them what they wanted "Can we just get five beers, we'll come up to the bar if we need anything else?" I nodded my head and smiled politely "yeah I'll bring them over" He nodded his head at me smiling. My smile grew bigger and I turned to walk away. Oh my god. Josh Franceschi just smiled at me. I had an inner fangirl moment but who wouldn't!?

I brought them their drinks and went back to the bar as my break was over. That was an amazing break. Non-existent. "Ollie mate, what can I get for you!" I was a little bit more chirpy but it was understandable "the usual again m'lady!" We both started laughing together and I glanced over at the door. Luke walked in. Wasted. He was with a bunch of work mates and holding hands with a girl. Wow, he moved on fast "what caught your eye that's making you spill beer all over yourself?" I snapped out of it realising the beer was over flowing and pouring over my top "ah shit!" I wiped myself down giving Ollie his beer "sorry about that, I broke up with Luke this morning, looks like he moved on fast" I was a little bit gutted, I was hoping he'd be a little devastated. "Rebound, don't worry about it! There seems to be a guy at the other end of the bar who's showing keen interest in you!" I turned around slowly seeing who it was and bursting out laughing "what no!! That's Josh Franceschi, lead singer of You Me At Six!! There's no chance!" Ollie raised his eyebrows at me as I kept laughing "he's coming over Charlie" shit, Im not ready for round two. I haven't mentally prepared myself for this! "Charlie right?!" Oh lord he remembered my name "yeah, do you need something?" Smooth Charlie, smooth.

Luke caught my eye again from the other side of the bar, flirting with some whore. Yuck. "Boyfriend?" Josh asked looking at me as I watched Luke "ex boyfriend... Of two years" not that he particularly cares. "Ooh how long have you been apart?" I glanced down at the watch that was on my wrist handing Josh another pint "about seven hours.." I grimaced at the thought of him moving on so quickly. I was really gutted. "Ah, he moved on fast" I nodded my head looking back at Josh and folding my arms "yeah, I like to think that he's upset about it" I gave out a forced laugh. The bar seemed to be getting quieter and Ollie had left to go home. "He should be! He lost you, you're like a solid eight, he's only a five!" I laughed at his attempt to cheer me up "aw thanks but no I think he's the eight Im the five. You on the other hand are a ten" I winked at him and laughed. I can't believe I just did that. I mentally face palmed myself as I served the guy next to him "thanks and I know right. Im perfect" this time he laughed, I just nodded. Yes Josh, you are. So so perfect. Its weird that I know who he is and he doesn't know me. Or the fact I know who he is but he doesn't know I know. Confusing. "So when do you get off?" Is he, is he flirting with me!? Oh dear Im going to faint "not til two, unfortunately." He sighed making a weird face "damn. Oh well, you live round here right?" I nodded my head trying my hardest to remain calm. "Awesome we should meet after you're done work. There's a party at my mates and you're welcome to come" I sighed internally really wishing I could go. I didn't want to tell him why I couldn't so I just made up an excuse. "Im sorry, I'd love too but Im babysitting tomorrow" LIES! This is awkward, Im such an idiot.

The bar was almost closing and the guys from You Me At Six ordered one last drink. I decided to try my best shot and wrote my name and number on a piece of paper and stuck it to the bottom of Josh's glass. "George make sure that Josh gets this one! Okay?" I looked up to him handing him the tray he just nodded at me looking confused and walking away with it. I made my way into the staff room to collect my stuff from my locker and then left. I can't believe I spent some of the night talking to Josh Franceschi. Ahhh.



well? Let me know what you think?

Thanks for reading readers!!! xx

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