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I woke up the next morning and immediately checked my phone. Nothing. Not surprised. Giving Josh my number was a cheap shot and I couldn't exactly expect to get anything in reply. My phone started ringing and answered it as I got up walking to the kitchen "Hey Cas" I put the kettle on preparing myself a cup of tea awaiting her reply "you never told me that You Me At Six came to the bar last night!! I could have came to say 'hi, can't wait til I see you at a meet and greet in three days!' Did you talk to them?!" Oh shit yeah. Im going to London tonight with Cassie, cause we're going to a You Me At Six concert tomorrow. "You'd probably scare them off! And Yeah I served them! I may or may not have also given Josh my number..." I heard her gasp. Even I cringed at the sound of it. "You what!? Did he ask? Has he called or texted?" I laughed, yeah cause that was likely to happen. I took my tea into the living room and sat down "of course not!! It was a cheap shot and he has probably forgot I existed!" The realisation sunk in and I had a little sulk to myself "whatever, I'll be over soon, our train leaves at four!"


"You always have your way, for now its too soon for you to say, will we be always, always!?" I was singing at the top of my lungs with Carrie. We were in London. We got a hotel 2 minutes away from the venue. We were so excited, I couldn't wait to hear them live. We set our alarms for 5:30am because we wanted to get a decent view and were willing to wait for as long as it took to go in. I know we are both 18 and adults now but this was our favourite band and we would do anything! "Oh god Charlie, what if he remembers you!?" A lump appeared in my throat and I couldn't swallow it "don't even start! I'd die! I didn't even tell him I knew who he was!" Imagine if he did remember me!? I'd look like such a creeper! "I can't wait this is so exciting!" We tried to get some sleep but we ended up just talking about how epic it was going to be and how much fun we were going to have.

I was just drifting off to sleep when my phone vibrated from under my pillow. I reached to get it yawning. I started reading the text half asleep

To Me.. From Unknown.

'I bumped into your boyfriend, he said you cheated on him. Why did you make him out to be the bad guy? -Josh'

What... Im so confused. Why would he text me, especially saying that, and at this time? Or on the other hand why would Luke say that?

To Josh.. From Me

'What? I never cheated! Why are you asking? -Charlie'

To Me.. From Josh

'He said he dumped you cause he caught you cheating and that you were ridden with STD's...? Dunno just curious I guess -Josh

To Josh... From Me

'Well I never and Im not!! Curiosity killed the cat yano! -Charlie'

I was kind of pissed off. It wasn't any if his business anyway, why would I cheat on someone? If I wasn't happy with the relationship I'd leave, and I did.

I couldn't fall back asleep so I took my laptop of the side drawer and went on Facebook and Twitter. I had a bunch of notifications on Facebook from all my so called 'friends' calling me a slut and a whore. What the actual fuck!? I've not done anything wrong! The notifications kept coming and I started getting tweets as well I couldn't handle it so I deleted ny Facebook page and blocked a lot of people off Twitter and tweeted saying 'Fuck what you think, believe what you want to believe. Im happier now. YMAS tomorrow \m/' then I eventually fell asleep.


Me and Cassie had been standing in line for four hours before I eventually got round to telling her about the texts. "What a cunt! Why would he even talk to Luke let alone believe him! Or anyone else! Just you wait until we get back to Surrey, some bitches are getting slapped!!" The people around us were staring and I was getting a complex. "Because he doesn't even know me, why would he believe me?" As she was going to answer some guy came out of the venue asking for the people with Meet&Greet passes. Which was us. This is going to be awkward. I hope he doesn't recognise me and I'll just have a good time. After everyone got their stuff signed competition winners would be able to hang out with the band. Which was also us. Just great.

Bite My Tongue. (Josh Franceschi/You Me At Six Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora