The guardians!?!As if!

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Sophie was this four year old that is like every typical child.
They believed the tooth fairy, Santa, Easter bunny and sand boy-

"No it's Sand Man!!" Jaime yells, he had a disappointed look on his face.
"Okay kid, chill! ok sand 'man'" I say out loud for him.

"Alright so they are the things you believe right Sophie?"I ask, curious but expected a yes.

She giggled and jumped around," Easter bunny, EASTER BUNNY!!" she squealed.
"I take that as a yes then." I said and just shrugged.

I sighed and thought about this and think a loud"So how would I make a story with of them, lets call them the-"

"The guardians!" Jaime says with a strain in his voice as he played with some snow globe.
"The guardians?" I repeated unsure.
"That's what they called, and you missed one, Jack frost" Jaime says as he sits the snow globe back onto Sophies shelf.

"Frost bite dude?" I questioned.
Jaime just laughed, 
"He's the guardian representing fun, you have to know him!?".

"Well I-

"Jaime!?Sophie !? i'm home!" yells Mrs.Bennet at the front door.

"Mom!!" They yelled as they rushed out the room.

I studied the snow globe.

"The guardians!?As if!"

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