chapter 1

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"y/n (*pants pants)"

"Doyum ?! Are you okay"?

"Yes , but I have something to ask you (*catches his breath) will you go out with me"? You looked at his shining eyes. You ran into his arms and hugged him tight.

"Yes, doyum"!

"(*Smiles uncontrollable) y/n you're so cute"



"Doyum let's go"! You grabbed his arm and went straight to the cafeteria.

"Y/n slow down don't fa-(*falls)

" -_- doyum leave me be on the floor, i deserve it" you fell straight to the floor and it was embarrassing.

"Y/n (*picks you up, and puts you on his back) here lemme carry you so you won't fall, clumsy bunny"! Just with that comment you blushed HARD. You hid your face on his back bc you didn't know what to do.

"(*Chuckles, lets you down and Pat's your head) it's on me what do you wanna eat?

JEON DOYUM // SMILEWhere stories live. Discover now