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Ink's POV
After Fell went to sleep, I walked downstairs to see everyone was almost done eating. I usually didn't need to eat or sleep but I still do it for fun.
Anyways, I just took a piece of toast and walked into the main living room area. I laid down on the couch. I felt tired. I started talking to myself as if i were talking to someone. Asking questions, answering, saying something then the 'other person' says something back. This kept up until I eventually fell asleep.
I started dreaming. Everyone was happy. And I had a real SOUL. I was able to feel without my vials. I was so happy. Me and...someone else were together? I didn't think I was able to fall in love.
I suddenly woke up Nightmare was on the floor next to me. "What time is it, Mare?" "Like 11." "Oh jeez. I'll be back!" "Ok."
I teleported back outside of the palace. I just had the clothes on I had worn yesterday. No shoes or socks. I started walking and looking down being careful to not step on any bugs. I also made sure I didn't step something I could stab my foot. I soon turned my attention to the sky. I looked like it was darkening. It's probably going to storm. I eventually made it back home and I walked in, noticing Dream and Blue chatting. "Inky there you are!" Dream was so excited to see me. "What are you doing?" Blue asked. "Packing some stuff." "For what exactly?" I didn't want Nightmare to get in trouble so I ignored the question.

(ughhhh adding punctuation sucks but it does help make a good story)

I walked upstairs, ignoring Dream trying to get me to come back down. I saw Nightmare and my drawings on the floor. Along with the clipboards and pencils. I grabbed my bag and grabbed a few pairs of clothes without exactly looking at them. I started getting weird feeling. I looked outside and the sky was darker. I grabbed more stuff and changed, leaving my shirt and shorts on my messy bed. I just put on a pair of sweats, a t-shirt, and my sweatshirt. I took a second to grab my sketch book and a pencil. I remembered the drawings and picked up Nightmare's and smiled. A big goofy smile. It was a picture of me and him standing next to each other. The top of the page said 'Best Friend' I folded it up and sat it on my desk, then i grabbed my phone and charger. I grabbed everything and headed out. "Inky where are you going?" Dream was seeming really clingy. "Somewhere." "Oh...ok." I walked out and closed the door and looked up at the sky, I started walking, watching. As if something was going to happen.

ze location skip•

I made it back to Nightmare's place. I was about to knock and suddenly the door swing open, Nightmare pulling me in. "You were meant to hurry. It's going to storm... It sounds pretty bad as well." "Oh sorry. Oh well. I did notice the sky darkening."

Nightmare's POV

I pulled Ink inside as soon as I saw her outside. I told her she was meant to hurry and she apologized. "So..where do you want me to put my stuff?" "I took her bag and set it in my room. "Eh..thanks. Night..you know you don't have to do everything for me." "Well I'm still going to. You're not at perfect standards." After I said that, I narrowed my eyes as I was looking at her. "Pfff." she laughed slightly. "Hey Night!" "Hm?" I looked down at her. "We should play a game!"  "What kind of game?" Ink looked up at me, her eyes completely black with a creepy smile on her face. I backed up from her a bit. "Just kidding!" she started laughing. I laughed along nervously. "Really though. We should play Uno." "Sure. Wanna see if anyone else wants to play?" "Sure!" Ink skipped off happily. It made me smile. I felt comfortable around Ink. I wasn't really sure why.
I got out the card and I saw Ink walking back with Dust, Cross, and Killer. "That's it?" "Yeah. Fell was still sleeping, Swapfell was still mad about this morning and Horror went somewhere." "Oh no." Dust said. "Wasn't supposed to storm?" "It should be here around 2." Ink replied to Dust. We all suddenly turned our heads towards the window. "SHIT!" Killer yelled. "If it's going to storm, shouldn't we look for her?!" "Relax. She'll come in time." I said out loud before realizing I did. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS NIGHTMARE?!" Dust exploded. "Dust! Calm down!" Killer yelled at him. Dust, still angry, took a breath. "Lets just play..." Everyone sat down at the table and I began shuffling the cards. They all started talking. I noticed Cross was really quiet. "Cross, are you ok?" Everyone stopped talking. He didn't answer me. Cross?" No answer. "Cross!" He blinked suddenly. "Hm?" "Are you ok?" "No...it's Chara... I haven't seen any sign of them since last night." "Oh jesus fuck..." I muttered at I put my head in my hands, resisting yelling at the to of my lungs.

Cross' POV

I looked at Nightmare as he put his head in his hands. I watched as Ink hugged him. Ink whispered something into his ear, making him laugh. I finished shuffling and started passing out 7 each. We started playing as Nightmare set down a card from the pile. Dust went first. Killer set a +2 as soon as it was her turn. I set one down as well. We all watched as Ink was searching through her cards to find one as well. She had to pick up 4. Nightmare went, he placed down a red 6. Dust took a few cards until he finally set one down. A red 4.

le time skip•

Dust's POV
We all heard the door open and close. We all looked over seeing Horror. I jumped up and ran to her, I hugged her and she hugged me back. She was cold. None of us noticed it had started snowing. "Weird." Cross said. "It's really cold out. I had my jacket on the whole time!" I handed her my sweatshirt. "Thanks Dusty." she smiled. "I'm going to my room in case any one will need me." I went and sat back down. We continued playing until we all heard Cross yell, "UNO!" I saw Killers face. 'Shit shit shit..' Is what expression I read on her face. She was shuffling through her cards as she placed one down. Cross immediately jumped up placing his last card. We kept playing as Cross watched. "Uno!" We all heard Nightmare quickly say. Shit. I placed a card down. "Reverse, Nootmare." I said as I gave Nightmare a smirk. "Fuck." He grabbed at least 7 cards before placing one down.

le time skip•

It was between Killer and Ink.
Killer placed a +4 card. "Blue." Ink placed one down too. "Green." "INK YOU-" We all started laughing. "8 cards Killer." Cross said. I think we all forgot he was there because of how quiet he was. Killer muttered curses under her breath as she drew 8 cards. Ink placed a card. "UNO!" They both yelled at once. "Ink draw 4 cards." She quickly drew 4 not wanting to hold up the game. Killer set down a double. Ink placed a card down after. Killer placed another double. "Kill." I heard Cross whisper. "What?" "Show me your cardsss." "Fuck off." "Please Killer?" "I said fuck off!" Cross started laughing. The game continued. Killer placed her last card down. "Damn it!"Ink grumbled under her breath."It's ok, Crayon." Nightmare said. "Another game anyone?" "Nah I'm good. Got to grab my sweatshirt, it's cold in here." I got up and left.

1327 words qwq

*DISCONTINUED* Ink x NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now