1: No Flight

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This is Berk, people are loud, the village is small, the air is clean, there isn't much of a difference to you guys... Expect for the pests. While some place have locusts, rats...but we have DRAGONS.

I ran into the crowd of my fellow Vikings. "Good Morning, Kindren!" I smile and waved as I went to the small shop for weapons.

I opened the door. "Mornin' Red." Gobber greeted.

"Ah, mornin' Gob." I picked up a sack that held lots of dull weapons.

"That darn boy is always late!" Gobber grumbled. I took out a dull sword, "I'm sure he'll be here, he's my partner in crime afterall."

Gobber chuckled and ruffled my red curly hair. "For that I am sure as well, get to sharpening Scot, make that sword sharper than the teeth of a dragon."

I sighed and nodded, Gobber is the only family I've got left, we're not really related, but my mother knew him well. So once she died in battle I was taken care of by Gobber.

My family wasn't from berk, that's where the red hair and Scottish accent comes from, Scotland.

The door swung open, "Hiccup!" I dropped the sword that I was sharpening and checked him for any injuries.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" He pushed my hands away, "I can take care of myself Kindren." I stepped back, "Alright if ya say so, but come on we have to get to work."

Hiccup immediately sighed out and basically dragged himself to work.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his shoulders then pulled him up to straighten him out, "Come on you do this everyday, it's a good work out for you, you're fifteen,and skinnier than a twig by golly."

"Kindren don't you ever get tired of being here and watching the others do the work?" He swung his arms to point out the window as the Vikings were tackled down a dragon.

"Not really", I pulled out a sword and pointed it to Hiccup, "This is our job Hiccup, you're my best friend, but you can't just complain and not complete anything."

He looked at me saddened by my words.

It broke my heart, but it was the truth. "Look, if we finish at least half of this then we can go out and try to do something more 'Viking-like'."

He looked ecstatic to hear me say that.

"Come on, don't stop to do Goo-Goo eyes at Astrid. Just finish quickly."

He nodded and did work now much happier.

I sighed and picked up the sword I was sharpening, "Hiccup, I know you're next in line and it's hard to not be what your father wants, but trust me and just do as you're told once in a while."

Hiccup looked at me in the eyes, "Kindren, I just want to make my father proud."

I smiled, "I know, and I know it's hard to get his attention, but I believe you can do it."

He smiled and shrugged, "I just need to take down one dragon, one." I looked down and whispered, "Why the dragons?"

Hiccup looked up at me a bit worried, "What do you mean?" I shook my head, "It's nothing, get back to work, fish bone."

He huffed at the nickname, I chuckled at his reaction. Through out the span of half an hour Hiccup sped through the weapons and got to half of the work.

I was worried about it, he can't throw the mantles, and even though I can, I can't help him much since I'm a pacifist.

Yes, it's a very weird thing about myself, I'm surrounded by violent Vikings and me being the pacifist out of all of them.

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