Chapter 13: Under The Surface

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I can't stop replaying my encounter with Millie in my mind. If she is Joyce, shouldn't she have a burn scar? I didn't see any sign of it on her face, hands, or anywhere else. Maybe I'm wrong. People do look alike sometimes.

"How are you, sir?" Patrick asks as he drives me home.

Catching his eyes in the rearview mirror, I nod. "I'm good."

That's it. Patrick isn't a man of many words, and I appreciate that about him.

My phone dings. I pull it out of my pocket and see a message from Mr. Sage.

Sage: I'll pick you up at 5. Time for the gym.

I sigh as another text from him pops up.

Sage: Don't you dare say no.

I chuckle. When Patrick drops me off, old man Charlie is standing on his porch.

As soon as he sees me, his eyes light up. "Hello, Nathan!" he waves, grinning as he walks toward me.

"Hey, Charlie, how are you holding up?"

Charlie grins. "Better now that I know you don't go to the same school as my granddaughter. Even better!"

My brows furrow.

"Sorry, sir," Patrick interjects from behind me. "I might have mentioned your intellect. Forgive me."

I look back at Patrick and sigh, then turn to Charlie and smile. "I didn't want to seem like a weirdo to you."

"Weirdo?" Charlie shakes his head. "Nobody good at math is a weirdo. It gives me hope, Nathan. I can only ask for a favor."

My shoulders hunch as I raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Natasha is struggling with math. I ask for your favor to tutor her whenever you're free. And don't worry, I'll pay for every session."

I raise an eyebrow at him, letting the silence hang in the air. "Let me get some rest, Mr. Charlie, and I'll let you know what I think, alright?"

Charlie nods. "Take your time. But I'd really appreciate it if you'd consider. I could pay you even a thousand more."

I nod, patting the old man's shoulder before hurrying into my house for some rest before going to the gym with Mr. Sage.


"Hurry up, it's time for the gym," Mr. Sage calls out, standing in my doorway in his tracksuit with a haversack slung over his shoulder. He looks ready to go.

I shake my head and glance over his shoulder. "Where is your car, Mr. Sage? I asked you to bring it."

"I forgot it at home," he says, smiling.

"How could you forget a car?"

Mr. Sage shrugs innocently. "Shit happens. We could use your car or jog to the gym. How about that?" He does a little jog in place. "Okay, I left my car a road away. We'll just jog there a bit."

Shaking my head in amusement, I jog toward his car with him.

"I'll drive," I say.

As we hop in, I hit the accelerator and drive down the road.

It's completely silent during the drive.

However, Mr. Sage's phone rings, breaking the silence. He pulls out his phone and reads the caller ID. Through my peripheral vision, I can tell he is hesitating to answer the call.

"Just answer it, Mr. Sage," I say, amused.

He places the phone to his ear. "I'll call back later." He ends the call.

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