Chapter Ten

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It wasn't long before the body was found. You eavesdropped to listen to the detectives and officers go over the details, 28 stab wounds to the chest and stomach sending chills down your spine.

Just from the tone of his voice you could tell the investigator didn't care too much about this case, which was a good thing.

Eavesdropping wasn't all you did though, Bethany had lent you her book to pass the time. "They want to talk to you," Bethany said peering in through the curtain.

You looked up from your book, "The investigator?"

Bethany nodded. You reluctantly stood up and put the book down. "Hey, don't be nervous, it'll all work out," Bethany told you giving you a sympathetic smile. You smiled back before leaving to head to the rec room where the interviews were being held.

You entered the room, the morning light illuminated the beige walls. The tables and chairs were without occupants except for the one table in the middle of the room which was occupied by two men talking quietly amongst themselves until they realized you had entered. The man on the right was balding a bit, and sported classic detective garb, a white button-down and a brown leather strap, he also reminded you of the warden, it was something about his face or his look.

The man to his left appeared to be tall despite his sitting down and had short curly brown hair and wore a natural somber expression.

The detective looked up as you entered, "Have a seat please," he called waving you over to their table. You sat in front of them fidgeting with your hands hidden in your lap.

"I'm detective Abe and this is my partner, Tyler, we're just going to ask you some questions that will help us solve this case, of Jay's murder, which I'm sure you're aware of by now," he said.

You nodded, "OK."

"Now, I understand that Jay has had some sort of physical altercation with you in the past, about two months ago, is that true?"

"Yes, it is."

"And this... Yancy, he was very badly beaten by this man trying to take up for you?"


You sat stiffly, trying your best not to falter. Every movement felt like you'd give yourself away.

The detective nodded and looked down at his notepad. "Was there any incident after that?"

Being caught off guard, you froze. "Hm?"

"Did any other altercation occur between you and Jay, or Yancy?"


The detective eyed you suspiciously for just a moment but resumed his casual composure.

"OK, well, thank you- oh um, did you notice any prisoners acting suspicious last night, or anything out of the ordinary?"

"No, I was asleep."

"Right... OK, that's all, thank you."

You left without a word. The paranoia was starting to eat away at you as you walked toward Yancy's ward. Your mind obsessively over analyzing everything that was said, every movement, every look.

"(y/n), where have you been? And and where's Yancy? We didn't see you at breakfast," Tiny said as she walked up to you, breaking you out of your daze.

"Sorry, Yancy has stomach virus, I've just been keeping him company."

"Oh that's bogus, I hope he gets better soon, remember to make him drink ginger-ale, oh, by the way, did you hear about Jay being dead?"

Romance o' Youse's || Yancy x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang