Jotaro x reader

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Also the song is what your stand is based off of!
Also kakoyin is chillin!

((Jotaro pov))
The road to home was quite, I decided To taking a slower route, and more secluded path. It was nice to not hear constant chatter and fawning.
I looked up at the sky and let the sun rest on my face. This is really nice.

"Come on Joestar!" I felt my back as shoved  in A playful manner as kakoyin ran ahead of me. I smiled suddenly and it was a race. We started to book it down the small county road.

((Reader POV))

My name, is (y/n), I've been in a loop for 121 years.   My stand is called lullaby, it can make any area loop in time, for as long as the user is alive, keeping me young and alive.
I looked out of the old house window at the quiet dirt road. As I saw two boys running and messing around. I music box on the window sill slowed down. Time to go outside.
I went out to the back garden.

The marigolds never age, even in winter they are perfect.
The garden plants grow so slowly, yet I'm never hungry.

I hand picked some flowers sat down on the grass and pulled out a small journal. I sat down letting my dress puff around me.

Day 44,167:
It's another loop anniversary. It's been so long, sometimes I wonder what I would like if I were old. I wonder what my tombstone would look like yet, if I did have a family, and finished school, would I have been a nurse? A librarian? A mother? Would I have found love?
I don't think I will ever know, I don't know how to make it stop, I finished another book today, I also made a few bouquets for the vases inside. I saw two boys outside, smiling, I wish I could say hello, yet I don't know how I ever could. What does my home look like to the outside world, I may never know,
Yet until then, I wait.

I stood up and looked over at the two boys, as the one in black had the one in green in a head lock.
I turned away from the window, I might as well cook something.

I opened up the cook book.

'Cherry pie doesn't seem bad, I'll make some bread too'

((Jotaro pov))

"YOU WIN JOJO!" I put kakoyin in a a head lock both of us laughing covered in dirt, we stood up and dusted our selves off, we started walking again, I felt something, I turned and looked to the side,

A old house sat in the woods,  its front covered in moss and trees over grew around it. The stone path way was no more and the two nice was yard was just a blanket of moss. it's windows boarded and door wide open. I started walking towards the house as kakoyin grabbed my arm,

"You okay Jotaro? It's just a old house."

"Listen I'm feeling a little adventurous for once so don't judge me cherry boy" we got closer and it felt like it was repelling, even kakoyin noticed the repellence of the house. We looked at eachother and nodded,

"Is this the work of a stand user?" He looked at me

"There is only one way to find out..." we both braced pressed onward as it felt like a bubble made out of chain fencing went though us.  I opened my eyes, The grass was green and the stone walk way was visible. The house looked new, it's hand painted exterior and door still open.

We slowly walked in and looked inside, there were rugs, furniture, clocks. The clocks didn't  move, it was silent, except for faint music.

Kakoyin walked in further and as he edged the corner he found the living room, I followed him slowly and he was looking at the mantle pictures, it showed a mother, father and three daughters. He flipped it over and looked at the dates.

"Jotaro this is from the 19th century..." he looked at me as I grabbed it from his hand.

'The (last name) family." Foot steps entered only to see a woman enter the room. She looked startled and mortified as she dropped the ceramic dish with whatever was in it. It shattered on the floors ruining what ever she made. She took a few steps back.

"W-who are you?!" She seemed mortified, kakoyin stepped foreword.

"We're not here to harm you, we just want to know what is going on-"

"I haven't seen anyone cross my front lawn in 121 years, I haven't aged, I haven't grown. How are you two here...." she looked at us dead in the eyes. I quietly studied her actions. She slowly bent down to pick it up her mess.

((Time skip)

"So a 121 years huh? Must have a lot of free time." The sun started to go down as we sat around her table.
"Not really, every two days everything loops-"
"And how does it loop?"
"I don't even know" I hummed as my next response.

"Well why don't you try to explain what did happen." Kakoyin piped in. She nodded yet got up and turned around. She walked over to a book shelf and pulled out a one of a few leather journals.

" I didn't keep track at the beginning yet I do remember that my mother, father, and two siblings left for another siblings marriage, yet I was left here. And after a while I realized, I was never hungry my hair hasn't grown, my nails are the same, The seasons never changed, it had always been June,25,1868."

"What could have triggered this though, was there a conflict?"

"Well there was one..."she turned the book to us and let us read it.

((Flash back ))

The man I refused to marry held flowers to me as a last chance yet I refused, pushing me into the stair way he got to close for comfort and I punched him across the jaw.
He started a fire, with the flame of his lantern under the corner in the living room, as soon as I knew it the room was ablaze, the doors were locked. The windows shut, I screamed as loud as I could then it all just stopped.
The flames. The crackling. The fire wasn't even hot.
My once longer hair as now ratty and matted. I started running in and out as fast as I could with pails of water, it only took 5 day to be rid the flames.

"The rest of this house, I just had nothing better to do. What else is there after 121 years."  I slid the book back over to her as she placed it away.

"Do you know what a stand is?"

"A what?" She watched me as I summoned star platinum.

"Oh my goodness who is that..." she walked a little closer to him he just crossed his arms and looked down at her only to seem happy about her and smile at her. He poked her nose playfully.
She smiled as he let out a playful 'ORA'. Jotaro was too foucused on her until kakoyin pointed it out.

"J-Jotaro look!" A light blue aura surrounded her


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