Chapter 11

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Angel laughed removing her clawed hand from his throat. Fang sat on the beam glancing up him. "What made you change your mind to come back?" He asked softly. Fang thought for a moment trying to hide her real intentions. " I came to see you again. To make sure you were doing ok ," she lied with a sweet smile upon her face. Angel nodded and sat on the beam with her. "It's nice to see you again,"he murmered "You going to tell me your name now?" He asked her once again. Fang frowned. "Why are you so eager to know," she moved her gaze away from him, swing back off the beam so she hung upside down her tail twisted around the beam. Angel's eyes wondered of for a while.  "It would be nice to know the name of a friend,and the girl that saved me though I didn't need her help," he said anger increasing in his tone.
Fang growled. "Well if we're being honest, I did it to save myself.  I needed to get away from.. it doesn't matter but it wasn't for u," she sat up the blood rushing to her head. Angel smirked.  "Get away from who, girl?" Fang turned away. "That's information I don't trust you with." She frowned thinking about what they'd done to her. "Let's just say I want to get home," the fear in her voice was well hidden by the pain she felt. Angel rested a hand on her shoulder.  "Name?" Fang studied his face. "Rowan. Rowan Bright," she told him. He thought for a moment raising his wing. "Rowan?"  " I think  my parents liked the idea of boys names for a girl,"she grumbled,"Now I've told you that, no more cage fights. I don't want to see you get hurt." The words were too cringy for her to say. She'd never tried to get close to someone before and so far , she didn't think it was going well. Angel laughed.  "I can't keep that promise but I'll stay away for a while, " he said plainly.

The two came down from the beams after talking for some time.
Rowan was careful with what she said as tried to hide her past. In the end, she came up with the story that she was a 16-year-old girl from England with a rare duel mutation and that she'd got lost from her parents whilst on holiday in Berline and that she was trying to get back to them. She also told him that she'd been caught whilst trying to find them. Somehow, he believed her although everything she told him (apart from her name ,age and nationality) was a lie.

The Fire Wolf: Part 1 Where stories live. Discover now