Shes still with me

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As nights turned into days I waited and waited for her,my best friend , to come back and see I'm still playing and I will not stop playing until she comes back.SHE WILL COME BACK.this little place now withering away with time I stand and wait for just anything any one to come and say she's still here just keep standing long has it been? I question seeing all those beautiful stars in the night sky.

-hour goes by-
I hear a voice.I turn as quick as I can to see pinky winkys face ....but only greeted with the transmission of a gem on pinks throne.It says it's already era 3 and pink is...NO. Can she be? How could she leave me? Was this her GOAL?!? Tears..more and more of them slip down my cheeks as I try to rip away from the vines holding me back but the vines wouldn't let go of this forgotten gem,finally i got free and I run..NO I sprint to see if it's true if this is just a PRANK but when I get there it's already gone...I fall to my knees I failed to please pink and now she' train of thought stopped as I started to giggle "NO " she not gone I told myself as tears stained my cheeks and the outline turned black and my messy heart buns fall into pigtails my hair gets a little darker as I feel some emotion bellow up Inside me..I.Changed. My outfit now different my gem upside down I'm not her fool anymore I will get revenge. And I will make pink all mine,a smile creep on my face again "oh pinky winky, I'll have you all to myself and if it means killing your planet then I will do EXACTLY THAT"I said in a obsessive voice."and I know how to get you alone but I will have threat this planet earth so you don't get any ideas" I said laughing at the idea of pink on the ground BEGGING for mercy it,I know pinky winky is still with me she just doesn't know it yet.but she will learn.

To be continued..thank u owo

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