Chapter 1

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  My 18th birthday was a week ago. That was also the day I emailed the owner of Amamizukan. She seemed nice, after she emailed me back saying I can move in in a week, which is tomorrow, I started to pack. I heard that everyone there is obsessed with something so i think I'll fit in fine with my small obsession with stuffed animals.. I can't wait to move out of my parents house. I've been working since middle school and I saved up enough to buy a car.

 So now I have two jobs at fancy restaurants where I've got a manager position in one and assistant manager in the other. I make a good amount of money and I will be able to pay my own rent and my car insurance. I haven't depended on my parents since I was 13 so it's about time I get out on my own. After I finished packing my last box I put it in my car and went back to my room. I rented a mini U-haul today and I'll have to return it tomorrow after I unpack at Amimizukan. All I have left is my bed, sheets, my purse, phone, and an outfit for tomorrow left in my room. I climb into bed and go to sleep imagining how my new life in Amimizukan will be.

*Time skip to morning*

 I wake up at 8:25 a.m. I get dressed in a pair of leggings and a T-shirt that I left out for today. I quickly put on my socks and shoes, grabbed my phone and purse and walked downstairs to tell my parents goodbye. When I made it to the kitchen I wasn't surprised to see no one there and a note taped to the fridge:


(Y/N), your father and I both had to go to the office for a mandatory meeting. We apologies and hope you get moved in alright. Remember to leave your house key here.

-Mom and dad

^^End of Note^^

 Well since they're gone I'll just go to a cafe for breakfast. I got my keys out and placed my house key next to the note. I made sure to lock the door before I left and quickly got in my car. There's a small cafe right down the road from my parents house so I decided to go there. I ordered an ice coffee and an omelet.

 From the city I live in, Fujioka, to Tokyo it's about a two hour drive. After I finish eating, I head back to my car. Thirty minutes in, I stop at a gas station. I get a few boxes of poky, two water bottles, some chips, and a pack of gum. After looking around the small store for a little while, I pay for my items and gas and head back to my car. After I filled my gas tank up I got back in and blasted music the whole way.

*Time skip to Amamizukan*

 I pulled up to Amamizukan and I was amazed. I didn't expect it to look this nice if I'm being completely honest. Just then a short lady with glasses, another lady who was taller with glasses, and a really tall lady in a green track suit came out of the building. I was a little intimidated. I grabbed my purse and my keys and got out of the car. I carefully placed a loose strand of my (Y/H/L) hair behind my ear.

 "HI I'm (Y/N). Thank you so much for letting me live here." I said and bowed to them. "Its fine dear. I'm Cheiko, the owner of Amamizukan. This is Jiji and Mayaya. They also live here. There are two others but they went to the store and should be back soon." Said the short lady with glasses, Cheiko. 

 "I'll show you to your room. It's right by Tsukimi's. She's around your age and I think you'll get along nicely." Jiji stated quietly. I nodded and followed her inside. The first thing I noticed was a small spotted jellyfish in a tank. I know a little about jellyfish. I walked over to is and stared at it for a little until Jiji spoke up. " That's Tsukimi's jellyfish, Clara." I nodded and got up, following Jiji up the stairs. 

 When I got in my room it was completely empty except for a fold-able futon. " Do you need any help unpacking?" Jiji asked. "No I think I got it. Thank you." I responded. She nodded and walked back to I'm guessing, her room. 

 I spent the next thirty minutes bringing all my boxes up, including a new bed frame I bought a while ago, and a mattress. The place I rented the U-Haul from said I could return it to a closer location if I wanted, so I did. 

*Time Skip To When The Bed is Setup*

 I just finished setting up my bed and put my mattress on it. After I made my bed, I started unpacking and reorganizing the rest of my things, which took about an hour. (See the picture above) After I was done I decided to go downstairs to see if anyone was doing anything down there.

 As I was walking downstairs, I heard two voices. I didn't recognize either of them but I knew one was a girl and one was a boy. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I noticed a girl with black hair in braided pigtails and a boy that kinda looked a little feminine. they both looked around my age so I decided I was going to introduce myself. I slowly made my way over to them, after they noticed me they both smiled at me.

 "Hi, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I just moved in, it's nice to meet you both." I greeted them both. "Hi, I'm Tsukimi Kurashita, I also live here and this is Kuranosuke Koibuchi, he's my friend and he lives right up the street, it's nice to meet you as well." She said bowing to me. I bowed in return. "Hi nice to meet you." Kuranosuke bowed. I blushed and bowed back.

 "How old are both of you? I just turned eighteen." I asked. "Nineteen." They responded simultaneously. So I was right. We spent the rest of the day with Tsukimi and Kuranosuke telling me all about how they met and how he cross dresses. I think he's amazing (He showed me pictures on his phone.) They also told me about Ms. Mejiro, I'm kind of glad she moved out before I moved in. 

 My first day at Amimizukan was a success. I learned so much and I don't regret my decision and I'm glad I was able to move in when I was. I can't wait to see how my life with these new friends will be.


Sooooooo this is it for the first chapter. Do y'all want me to stick with the nickname 'Little Giraffes' from the original story? If so, leave a comment.

Word count excluding A/N: 1145

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