Chapter 10 - The Barn Dance

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The night of the Barn Dance was upon them. Charlotte wore a beautiful scarlet dress and cowgirl boots in a brilliant red colour, to match her dress. Charlotte and Jane had both decided to wear cowgirl hats, with ribbons matching their dress colours. As they walked in, they heard loud whistles and cheers. Charlotte did a little pirouette with Jane and bowed to the crowd, both of them with smiles on their faces.

They got themselves some drinks at the bar and mingled with the local community. The country band was playing some familiar songs when Jane came over to Charlotte and mentioned that her dad had arrived. Charlotte looked up at the doorway and saw the outline of a man. As he stepped into the light, it was as if fireworks went off in her heart. It was the same Oliver, who she had known her entire life and still had feelings for. He was looking around until his eyes fell on Jane and he gave her a warm smile of welcome. Then his eyes moved over to Jane's companion and a look of shock settled on his features. He mouthed the word Charlotte.

Charlotte decided to wave back then she boldly walked towards him.

"Long time no see, stranger," she laughingly said to him.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he replied.

"It is so wonderful to see you after all of these years," she continued.

"Should we go outside and talk where it's a little quieter?'

"Sure, let's do that."

They both walked out, leaving Jane with a surprised look on her face. She didn't know that they had known each other from their past experiences.

Charlotte reached over to hold Oliver's hand and lifted it to her lips. She moved the back of his hand to her lips and kissed it. Then she turned his hand over and moved her kisses down to his pulse point. Oliver looked at her with a slightly sad face.

"Aren't you happy to see me again, Oliver?" she joked.

"I'm very happy to see you, Charlotte, but I need to tell you something now that you aren't going to like. I don't want to spoil the barn dance for you."

"You can tell me, Oliver. Nothing surprises me anymore."

"Charlotte, I've remarried and my new wife, Sandy, is bedridden with cancer."

Charlotte looked shocked and immediately removed her hand from his.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea that you had married again. You must think that I am such a fool, a love-struck fool."

"No, I don't believe that. You and I have always had feelings for each other but could never act upon them. Life has been hard on both of us. Through the bumpy rides of our lives though, we have always remained friends."

"Yes, we have, you are right. I want to remain your friend forever, Oliver."

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