Chapter 1

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Bang: You know something, Beep?

Beep: What?

Bang: We've been together for years now and I never got to tell you how much you mean to me.

Beep: What do you mean?

Bang: Well, this might make you cry but ever since we met I started having feeling for you. And well, You mean the world to me and I could never choose someone over you. Even though you get frustrated and shout sometimes I still fell for you and I just love the way you help other people out and make them smile even me. I love you so much, Beep. And I always will.

Beep: (sniffling) Oh, Bang. I-I felt the same way about you.

Bang: I've been wanting to ask you this for a while too.

Then Bang got on his knees but Beep wasn't really sure want he was doing.

Bang: Beep? Will you...marry me?

Beep: (Crying) I-I...Yes! I will marry you, Bang.

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