Chapter 8

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Beep: (Crying) Everything's ruined.

Love: Beep, there you are.

Bang: The weddings about to start, man.

Beep: (Crying) I thought I-I said we're not having the wedding anymore. Nothings ready.

Love: Well, you might change you mind when you see the place.

Beep: Ch-Change my mind. Why?

Bang: You'll see.

20 minutes later

Bang and Beep: (Gasps)

Love: See?

Beep: Everything's all setup.

Bang: But, like how did you do it, man?

Love: Well, I had some help from our friends.

Beep: You mean all of you did all this?

Jazz: Yep.

Beep: You guys are the best. We can have the wedding after all.

Storybots- Beep and Bang's Wedding DayWhere stories live. Discover now