
115 0 0

July 21, 2014
"This right here the pantie dropper"

I made my way over to the bar where she been sitting unaccompanied. For most of the night I been checking her out, a glance here and there; was sure her man would show up to avow his angel. Just my luck no one showed.

"Excuse me Miss I wanted to know if this seat here is occupied," without looking up she simply shook her head her left to right; expressing no. "How are you doing by the way, my name is Romeo Hitch but most of my friends call me Baby," I said with a genuine smile.

"That's nice," she said nonchalantly, calm eyes looked up from the drink that she been nursing for the last thirty minutes, "So let me guess you want to be my friend, out of all these beautiful bachelorettes," she smiled exposing the dimple on the left side of her face.

    "They say it's always nice to meet and have friends, would you like to agree? Myself yet to find that statement adequate," I said with a deep utterance, taking the stool next to her.

    Now I had to be in the worst part of heaven cause what sat in front of me was fine as hell, a very magnificent female. She wasn't that average lady you would run into just at the bar; more like the type you see on the cover of Essence magazine. She was special to the naked eye, with a beautiful face and a voice that match just beautifully. She had this high yellow skin tone more like Kimora Lee Simone but with a very well-lit tan. Her hair flowed a little past the shoulders with a natural bounce of curls. Her smile was radiant, could have brighten the night skies and her scent freshen that night breeze. Dress as if she was ready for the catwalk. She was wearing an all-black Chanel dress with a slit in the back. The dress was a elegant one. Stopping midway between her thigh and hug her frame tightly. She had on some red Chanel heels that matched the accessories she was wearing. The gorgeous woman was nursing a dirty martini with a little green umbrella in it.

    She moved her head with the beat in tone with what the DJ was playing over the turn tables. "Yes I would most definitely agree with you baby face," she said while turning her whole body in her stool; her head still with the rhythm of the beats. She was now facing me with a playful smile. The dress lifted her cleavage up firmly.

    "Excuse me I didn't mean to be so rude in stare. Would you care for me to freshen that drink," I asked waving the bartender over. I noticed she was just playing with the umbrella in hers. Thought it was time to refreshing it.

    "No thanks, I think I had to few to many for the night, and I still have to drive home, safety first" she said while she pushed her drink from her reach realizing she didn't want anymore.

    "Oh yes safety first," I said with a grin. "Well I read this book that said a dance or two reduce the alcohol in your blood or something like that. Would you care to share a dance with me then, I mean for safety purpose only," I asked pointing to the dance floor while standing up. Something about her made me not be able to walk away from her.

    A smile appeared on her face. "That would be fun but just how would your girl I mean wife would feel about that," she asked that very question after noticing the wedding band on my finger.

    "Honestly it's just a dance between two friends it's not as if I'm trying to take you home, I suppose she wouldn't feel anyway about it, plus what kind of friend would I be not to make sure you was safe," I said while I held out my hand inviting her to the dance floor.

    She looked me into my eyes; her eyes were so calm, Ocean blue in color, then she glance at her drink took a sip said with a grin, "Ok let's go since this mystery book and gentlemen agree it's for my safety".

Let me tell you that those heels really compliment your frame

    As she stood up I wasn't expecting to view a figure with so many curves. The curves were in all the right places with her washboard stomach. She stood there about five eight but without the heels she probably just about five two which fit her frame to the max. The chair, a mean one, was really hiding her body from view. I tried to help myself from staring but honestly my self-control wasn't strong at the moment, nor did I fight it. I had a better chance in stopping myself from starring at the winning lottery ticket.

Now that's one thing I prided myself on, my self-control because of my profession. Daily I met a variety of different elegant females: models, strippers, nurses, doctors, some single some married. But I never met one as special as her. I grabbed her hand and usher her to the dance floor.

    Time froze for us, it was like it was just her and I; you could still hear the crowd and music. Everything slowed down as we made our way. The floor was a little crowded but we manage to find a cozy spot to dance in. As we emerge she immediately place her arms around my neck. All eyes were on us. You could read the envy in their stares, even one of the guys who tried to converse with her had that "what the fuck" expression on his face. I gave him a gentleman's nod. In return he gave me a fuck you nod. After her hands and arms were place around my neck to her liking, I placed my hands around her waist not to high and not to low, somewhere in the middle, just a friendly gesture. Her eyes seem to have change colors as the light from the dance floor hit them, but I could still tell they were those soft oceans blue, like Stacy Dash. The light made them sparkle a little more. They were like magnets and just drew me in as if I was the man of steel. And I thought kryptonite was green.

    "Your eyes, I mean you have some very graceful eyes, I wonder if they see things for what they are," I said taking my hand to move her hair from the front of her face, placing it behind her ear.

    "Thanks Mr. Baby, you know just what to say to the ladies huh," she said putting her head down to hide that she was blushing.

    "I'm only speaking on occurrence things that appear to be facts so don't give me that much credit," I said lifting her head back up to where we were in a kissing distance.

    After a second or two even though time seems to not exist anymore, she spoke. "Thanks again, yours isn't that bad either," breaking the trance we were under.

    "So lovely lady what must I call you," I asked as we dance to "Right thru me" by Nicki Minaj.

    She must clearly misunderstood the question because she said," You can call me anytime B-A-A-B-B-Y-Y," while she pulled her body against mine more aggressive than before.

    "No, very funny, I'm asking what is your name, and why do you insist on stating my name like that," I said in a frolicsome tone, as my nose smelt her, so sweet. Her appearance was awakening every aspect of my being. It was hypnotizing.

    "Oh how embarrassing that must been," she laughed," my name is KoKo, that's with a K not a C, so you don't won't call me that's fine with me," she put on a baby pout for a second. "And I just like saying it B-B-A-a-a-B-B-y-y, it rolls off my tongue in a sexy manner, like this," Koko said rolling her tongue out in a sexual flirtation way with a wink.

    "I never said I did or didn't want to call you, just clarify the question so that it was clear, that's all," I said with a serious tone of voice so she didn't think I didn't won't her number.

    We move about rhythmically and converse through a lot of different love songs, reggae songs, and also rap, crazy thing was we kept on with the same dance. With her arms interlock behind my head and neck, and mines draped around her waist. Sometimes we would close the gap between us and our bodies would set off fireworks. Lost in time that seems to not exist anymore, we didn't realized the club had abandon, only us and two other couples were still on the dance floor.

    "I guess that saying is very much true," she said in a whisper as her head rest against my shoulder.

    "And what saying is that," I asked her, hearing her heart beat against my body over the music.

    "You know the one times flies when you out having fun," she said as she rubbed the side of my face.

    "Well yes guess it does," a smile came across my face as I looked at my Rolex.

    "You know I really don't want to end the night here," Koko said in my ear as she kissed it softly.

    "Umm m-m-m-e-e-e either Koko, what do you have in mind," I said closing my eyes as her breath tease my earlobes.

    "Come with me Baby face," Koko giggle while she grabbed my hand in usher me towards the exit.

    We left.

    In the corner hunger eyes stared at them as they vanish through the exit. He smiles knowing his plan to finally get the women he love was in motion. She was his only motive.

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