(Ashton Irwin)

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Demon Hunter Rule Number One: never trust a demon

You thought Ash was different, that you could turn him... well look where that's gotten you, now you're running through this abandoned building unarmed.

You stop for a moment, surveying everything around you. Smoke begins to curl around your legs but it's holding you in place. You thrash against it but to no avail. It continues to curl up your body, reaching your mouth and forcing itself in. You choke and gag on the intrusion, coughing up black sludge. You struggle against your bonds again and manage to break free, stumbling away and taking a moment to catch your breath.

Something grabs you from behind and throws you through the glass doors you were facing. You land, shattered glass all around you. You ignore the shards digging into your hands and push yourself up, composing yourself. Suddenly you feel excruciating pain I'm your abdomen, your vision blurring for a moment, "hello y/n, long time no see." You know that voice... "A- Ash." Ash tilts his head forward and comes into view, his messy blonde hair brushing over your neck. "Why are you here?" Your voice is weak and out of breath. You see him smile, "aww, I can't come visit my girlfriend?" You scoff, asshole, "like hell." It takes all your strength to push away from him and steady yourself. You wince taking out the dagger.

You take a moment to look over him, his eyes and dark prominent veins matching the large onyx wings protruding from his back. "Like what you see darling?" You laugh, "aww Ash you're making it seem like this is the first time I've seen... you. You don't scare me, remember." You lunge forward to attack but each punch and kick is blocked. "I taught you everything you know, y/n, you honestly think you can beat me?" You throw your right hand and it's caught an inch from his face. You twist your arm and flip him over with an unpleasant snapping sound. You twist your arm further, snapping his shoulder. He let's out a gasp and you fight back the urge to tend to him. He smiles up at you, "geez baby, you're not holding back." "That's nothing compared to the pain you've caused me." With that you twist again, this time snapping his elbow. He grunts and you let go. You straddle him, pulling out the knife he stabbed you with and lean the tip on his chest, "tell me ash... All those nights we spent together... did you mean it?" Your question comes out a lot weaker than you intended but you push it aside. Not giving him a chance to answer, you stab and he let's out a strangled gasp. Before you push the dagger to his heart you take one final look into his eyes, memories flooding back.

Too deep in thought, you let your guard down again and Ash stabs your chest, lifting you off him as he stands. He slams your back against a wall, effectively pushing the blade deeper, "what did they tell you about hesitation?" "It'll get me killed." "Yup, and now you're gonna die because you hesitated, your aim sucks when you hesitate." You roll your eyes, he thinks it was a mistake you missed his heart.

He caresses your ass with his free hand, "Well, it was good fun hot stuff but I'm done playing with you now." You close your eyes, wondering if ever there was a part of him that loved you. "What, no last words? No witty comments y/n?" You open your eyes again, "I don't regret missing your heart Ash." Ash frowns for a second but his face is enveloped in malice again. "Then goodbye my dear." He pulls the blade out and jabs the knife through your chest again, making sure it goes straight through your heart. You gasp before the life leaves your eyes and breath leaves your chest. Ash let's your body fall to the ground.

He finds himself frowning at your bleeding body and your glassy eyes, seems there really is a part of him that loved you.

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