(a7x) group chat 1

294 2 4

EmeraldEyes: Bri

EmeraldEyes: Bri?

EmeraldEyes: r u on?

EmeraldEyes: hello?

EmeraldEyes: Brian!!

EmeraldEyes: Gates!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!1!!!

Sonic: What?! What the duck

Sonic: *Fuck

EmeraldEyes: [: hi

Sonic: seriously what the hell is this?

EmeraldEyes: some stupid group Johnny created

*EmeraldEyes added CoolerThanYou to the group*

Sonic: Johnny wtf is this

Sonic: and why the fuck is my name Sonic?

CoolerThanYou: convenience.

CoolerThanYou: 'cause ur hair's stupid. Now stfu I'm mastrubating

EmeraldEyes: so am I, u're just 2 stupid 2 multitask

Sonic: fuck u gnome, my hair is fabulous.

Sonic:  :O wtf Zee, who u mastrubating 2?

EmeraldEyes: you, sexy cakes

Sonic:  :D

EmeraldEyes: come over, I wanna luck

EmeraldEyes: *fuck

Sonic: tehe :] I'll be there in 2

*Sonic is now offline*

*EmeraldEyes is now offline*





CoolerThanYou: phew... done :)

CoolerThanYou: Hello?

CoolerThanYou: You guys still there?

CoolerThanYou: Oh...

CoolerThanYou:    :(

*CoolerThanYou is now offline*

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