Team Pansy

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As soon as Frank's parents came from the doors, Frank was snapped back into the reality of where he was at.


This was his parents' workplace, and they were ministers. Pastors, if you will. And Frank was in the parking lot of a rehab center, pining over a gay alcoholic divorcee he just met that morning.

Granted that he still wanted to suck his dick, but it was actually nice to get to know Gerard a little bit more. At least now Frank knew that he was eligible to grant the older man a blowjob, thanks to his sexual preferences.

Next thing Frank knew as he was pulled from his thoughts, Gerard was giving him a lopsided smile and shoving his hands into his pockets, walking away to the doors.

"Ready to go, Frankie?" Mrs. Iero smiled.

"So ready."

Frank opened his car door and slid inside as Mr. Iero got into the front seat and took no time starting a new conversation.

"They're looking for new members to join the praise team."

"Praise team?"

"Yeah!" Mrs. Iero cut in. "There are only a few people on the team. Three singers- Tyler, Gerard, and Mrs. Toro- But she also plays piano. Andy is on the drums and they're lacking one very important element."

"Gerard sings?" Frank cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes- and very well, I'm told," Mr. Iero put himself back in, speaking. "The point is that they're missing a guitarist; And on top of that, you're always trying to find excuses to bust out that old hunk of metal and strings-"

"Her name is Pansy," Frank grumbled under his breath, making him sound even more like a child. "But, you're right. It's a chance I couldn't pass up."

"Good," Mr. Iero nodded, eyes going back onto the road. "Your first practice is tomorrow since it's a Wednesday night and the beneficiaries have chapel."

Frank shrugged, "Doesn't matter much. I'd be here anyway since I'd rather not be at home all day with no wifi."

"We'll get that worked out soon," Mr. Iero turned on his blinker to hit the next corner. "You'll have wifi by the time you get back to school."

"Frankie's graduated, dear," Mrs. Iero corrected.

"Well, if he could get a job-"

Frank tuned out his parents, for the time being, hoping they hadn't said anything he should have heard. He was having a bit of an argument with himself, at the moment.

Did he take the team so fast because he wanted to play guitar? Or could there have been an ulterior motive for his incline? Per se, having to do with a certain red-haired singer in the aforementioned band?

Most likely the latter, but Frankie decided to tell himself he was in it to play Pansy.

Yeah, that was it.

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