What Use To Be

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Written By: @Louiz_Larry__Harry


*Harry's POV*

It's early December and the snow is just bearly covering the ground. The brisk air is blowing through my long Brown hair. The camera hangs loosely around my neck. I smile showing my dimples. I walk through the snow breathing in the air. Picking the camera up with my gloved hands, I snap a picture of a tree with a snow covered top. I look down at the picture, it's beautiful. The way the snow gives just enough light to show the very tip of the tree.

I pull my coat closer to my body and walk off. An hour or so of walking I look around. I look at the top of the hill I see an old wooden house. Maybe it was built in the 50's or so. It honestly looks cozy. I walk up the hill examining the unbothered house. I walk around the house and gently touch the crisp wood. Stepping on the porch it makes a giving sound, probably not use to having anything on it since forever.

Its amazing, the house, it really is. The color of the dark wood covered in snow. An old but cozy looking house. I yet again pull my camera out taking a picture of the rocking chair.

*narrators POV*

Harry smiled he loved places like these, old and picture perfect. He walked up to the old abandon door. He slowly turned the knob and heard a click. The door popped open and Harry walked in seeing all sorts of antique items. Its really a sight, a beauty really. A photographers dream. There is old lamps, furniture, everything. He snaps more pictures of the old house.

He stops when he hears someone clear their throat. Harry jumps and turns around seeing a man about his age maybe older. Harry clutches his chest "You scared me!"

The other man smiled "I should say the same to you, figuring I own this property"

Then it clicked to Harry, he just walked in a random house. He didn't even know who's it was. Harry's mouth dropped "Oh i'm sorry I didn't even think" he said going to walk out.

The man smiled getting out of the way "Photographer?" he questioned. Harry blushed and nodded,

"yeah I took after my grandma" the other man nodded,

"Cool, if you want you can wonder around for more pictures. I don't mind." Harry's face lit up.

"Really!? Thanks...wait what's your name?" he asked. The mystery man held out his hand,

"Louis, you?"

"Harry" he replied with a smile.

After a while of taking pictures and talking with Louis, Harry looked at the time. He frowned knowing he had to leave. "i'm sorry but I have to get going."

Louis nodded understanding "Maybe we can hangout sometime?" Harry smiled giving his number to Louis.

"I'll text you bye." and with that Harry left to go home

*skip time to a year later*

Harry and Louis were best friends since they first met. After a year or so Harry realized he liked Louis more than a 'best friend'. He was scared to death that Louis would reject him and stop being his friend.

Harry told him one day sitting on the couch with Louis. He was terrified of what Louis would say. Louis smiled and pulled Harry in his arms and whispered, "dont worry, I like you too."

*That next year*

Harry and Louis have been dating for a year now. To Harry and Louis, life couldn't be better. Harry was the happiest he's ever been. He is now a full time photographer, Louis also now a cop. They both love their job and each other.

It was one day that Harry got a call that would change everything. This one call was the end of his dream and future...his love was gone. Harry got the call from one of Louis' fellow cop friend, Liam. It was the words he said that killed Harry or more likely Louis. Louis was shot and left for dead. He didn't survive, he died on the spot.

Harry was devastated. He dropped the phone crying. "This can't be real, its a dream!" Harry cried.

"Louis isn't dead, he'll be home soon!!!"

*another year later*

Its been a year since Louis died. Harry still hasn't gotten over it. He never will...Harry's walking in the fresh green grass filled with graves. He walks up to one, it reads. "A loving brother, boyfriend and son, in loving memory of Louis Tomlinson" Harry had tears in his eyes and flowers in his hand. He laid the flowers in the vase and knelt down.

"Hey baby" he croaked out. The tears were falling just as hand as the first time he heard the news.

He sat there for hours just talking to the grave. About his life now and how he misses Louis just the same. How he will never get over him, ever. Harry looked down taking deep breathe "I love you" he cried one last time.

*30 years later.*

Its been 31 years since Louis has passed. Harry hasn't been to his grave since he was 22, he is now 52 and its not the same. He sits in his home just staring out the window. Everyday he visits the old house him and louis first met. He doesn't talk with family or friends anymore. They all wanted him to get help but its too late now.

After Harry came home one day from going to the old house he laid down with a sigh. He looked up at the ceiling "I love you" he whispered falling asleep. The next morning Harry didnt get up, and no he wasn't asleep. He was finally happy with Louis in another world.


That was the end! Thanks for reading. I had to write this for school

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