Chp 1 (A Burning Star)

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  "RGGGGGH GOD DAMN IT!" Spinel screeched out of frustration, throwing  the magazine she was currently reading across her dressing room. "Tch....stop moving will you? How am I supposed to do your hair up if you keep jerking around..." A feminine voice sounded from behind. "Whatever Lapis...." Spinel huffed, feeling her fuchsia dyed hair being pulled once again into not just one, but two ponytails, which is also her signature hairdo. Lapis's voice was muffled due to a couple hairpins that she was holding in her mouth, which agitated the punk rocker even more, "what was that?" she asked annoyed. Lapis rolled her eyes before removing the hairpins from her mouth, "I asked what's gotten you so riled up? Does it have something to do a certain dude?" she asked before running her slender fingers through her short, dyed blue hair. "Hmph....right on the nose as always Lazuli, and yes it does. God damn it I can't go ten minutes without someone mentioning his STUPID name..." Spinel growled lowly, it was bad enough that the male she despised worked at the same recoding studio, but now her manager had arranged for her to be the opening act at his concert. Spinels manager knew how much she loathed the male pop star, but now he had to go and do something like this, and for what? Well for a publicity stunt, an attempt to have the light shine on her for once, well, at least that's what her manager told her at least.


    "WHAT?!?!" Spinel screamed out of disbelief, "I'M THE OPENING ACT IN HIS SHOW?!?!" WHAT THE FUCK MARTY?!". Marty Schwanzlutscher, grinned as he sat in his office chair, kicked back with his dirty shoes on his messy desk, "well I expected a "thank you Marty for saving my career" or something like that" he chuckled. Spinel sneered out of disgust before growling aggressively, "but you know EXACTLY how I feel about HIM, just about everyone in this damn studio knows how I FEEL about him...." she hissed. However, Marty remained unfazed, he's seen her blow up at just about anything that mentioned the relatively new pop star, the one and only Steven Quartz Universe. Marty kicked his feet off his desk before standing up, the gold chains that he wore around his wrinkled neck jingled as he walked over to Spinel, "just think about it Spinel, you as the opening act, to Steven Universe's concert. HIS fans will see you sing, they'll cheer  after hearing you perform. They'll rush out after the concert and buy your CD's, or in this case download your songs" he chuckled. Appeal to what Spinel desperately wants, a moment in the spotlight, singing her heart out in front of a crowd, Marty knew this was going to catch her attention since it had been a while since his shooting star was on a stage. He draped his right arm on Spinel's shoulders during his little spew, running his left hand over whatever hair he had left on his balding head, his grin grew when he saw that familiar twinkle in her pink colored eyes, and he knew that she latched onto his bait. "Hmph, still it's his show, his fans come to see him and him only...." Spinel sighed, using her left hand to pinch Marty's jacket sleeve, and lifting his arm off of her shoulders as if she was disgusted by him, which was true. Sure he was a slimy, smooth talking, con man of an agent, but those skills have paid off in the past, and Spinel believes this would work just as it had before. "That's the point my shooting star, hundreds of thousands of his fans, maybe even MILLIONS of his fans will see you sing. Think about this Spinel, all you have to do is perform one single song, of your choice I may add, and I'll take care of the rest." Marty explained, knowing that he was reeling her in, and all that was left was to have her agree. "A song I choose huh? Hm....fine. But if HE tries anything with me, understand that this won't end well" Spinel growled, her anger had subsided by a large margin, however she was still annoyed by what Marty was about to put her through, and frankly this wasn't the worse thing he's had her do in order to keep her job. No no, nothing what others may think, and thank God for that. "Don't worry ya self Spinel, I knew his dad back in th' day, trust me I'll make sure everything will be smooth like butter. Just don't lose your temper immediately if you see Steven, " Marty explained while he smiled before patting her back, hook, line, and sinker.

     A month ago Marty Schwanzlutscher convinced Spinel, his shooting star, to be the opening act in Steven Quartz Universe's concert, and frankly, Steven couldn't be more excited. He always enjoyed the time when he was able to listen one of her songs, whether it was an original or a cover, he just couldn't help it when he turned up the volume during the song. "Geez Ste-man relax would ya? I don't want to get glitter in your eyes or anything...." A a familiar, somewhat frustrated voice spoke up from behind the male pop star. Steven couldn't help but giggle happily, he had been so deep in thought that he didn't realize how much he was wiggling in his seat, "sorry Amethyst, I'm just to excited~" he smiled as he turned his head to face his friend. Amethyst rolled her brown eyes playfully, "it's fine, but seriously you don't want glitter in your eyes. Trust me, when you think you've gotten rid of them all, they multiply like rabbits...." she shuddered before asking her following question, "besides, why did you want glitter again?". Stevens smile formed into a playful smirk, "because...." he paused, for an attempt at a dramatic affect, "I wanted to look fabulous~" he finished,  using four of his fingers to flick the back of his brown hair, which made a few glitter specks fall from his curly locks, and onto his shirt. "Steven you're already fabulous, but the glitter is a nice touch...." Amethyst chuckled, suddenly a spark of mischief glinted in her brown eyes, and a grin formed to match the plan she had created in her mind. "Isn't Pearl coming by soon to escort to the backstage to watch the opening act?~"  she asked, still holding the little bag of glitter in her left hand while running her right hand through her long purple hair. "Uh if you mean my manager then yeah, why do you ask?" Steven asked curiously, and he turned just in time to see Amethyst open the door just a smidge. He then watched out of amusement as Amethyst grabbed a chair to use as an extra step to help her reach the top of the door, and she ever so carefully placed the open bag of glitter across the doorframe and the edge of the top of the door, so that when someone opened the door wider, the bag of glitter would fall and cover themselves in glitter. Both Steven and Amethyst then heard the faint sound of footsteps growing louder, which made her scramble off the chair and place it back before taking out her phone to record the aftermath that will insue. "Alright Steven the stage is se-" a short, green eyed, blonde female spoke as she walked into the dressing room, only to have glitter rain down onto her body. Steven could only watch in shock as Amethyst began to laugh loudly, "O-Oh man Peridot! That glitter rain was meant for Pearl not you!" she howled with laughter. Peridot sighed out of annoyance, pushing the bridge of her glasses up so it'd rest on her face better, " appears that I've walked into another one of your pranks...." she replied as a small blush dusted her cheeks. "Awww c'mon Peri, glitter looks good in your hair~" Amethyst teased before approaching Peridot, draping her right arm on Peridot's shoulders as she placed her left hand on her own hip. Peridot looked away a bit as her blush darkened, "tch....I didn't ask for glitter in the first place, it gets into the equipment and messes up the circuitry..." she huffed as her green eyes squinted slightly before they glanced back towards Amethyst. "Ok ok I'm sorry, c'mon let's go see if we can get most of the glitter outta that yellow dorito hairdo of yours~" Amethyst joked before ruffling Peridot's blonde hair in a playful manner. "NYAGH DONT TOUCH MY HAIR!" Peridot shouted, her flustered screaming seemed to faze no one since both Steven and Amethyst knew she always gets like this when someone touches her hair without permission. "Alright alright, don't get your glasses in a twist ya green nerd, lets go get that glitter off of ya~" Amethyst smirked, her arm still draped over Peridot's shoulders as she lead the blonde out of the dressing room.

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