Chp 2 (unwanted encouragement)

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   (real quick, everytime I add in a full version of a song via lyric YouTube video, it'll be right before the character will sing that specific song. If you haven't heard the song before, do press play on the video to get a better idea on how the song is played out when the character sings it)

    The clicking of heels on the linoleum floor was audible in the semi silent hallway, a tall pale woman with equally pale, neatly styled red hair, continued her trek through the corridor. Soon the audible sound of what sounded to be something similar to that of a kitten sneezing was soon heard, and that sneeze made the female stop in her tracks. "Awwww you're sneezes are always so cute~" Amethyst pointed out, grinning wildly as she helped Peridot down the hallway. Peridot rolled her emerald eyes and scoffed, "I wouldn't be sneezing if your glitter bomb hadn't fallen on me" she pointed out. "Let me guess, Peridot was another victim of a prank gone wrong Amethyst?" the pale red head asked, in which Amethyst nodded before snickering. "Yeah Pearl, you should've seen her face!" Amethyst laughed audibly, which earned a few grumbled curse words from Peridot. Pearl rolled her eyes in response, "while I appreciate the fact that Peridot "accidentally" took a hit for me, you should go help her clean herself off before the glitter spreads anywhere important" she pointed out, but she also couldn't help but slightly smirk since this was a bit amusing. "Yeah yeah yeah.....after I have a sandwhich~" Amethyst joked, placing her hand on Peridot's shoulder, not noticing how the short blonde was starting to blush. "Eat your sandwhich after you help me clean the infernal glitter" Peridot huffed before she began to march down the hallway once again, with Amethyst hot on her tail. Pearl rolled her blue eyes and shook her head, chuckling softly to herself before heading off to a certain dressing room, Steven's dressing room to be exact.

    Steven hummed to himself as he applied the last of his stage makeup, a star of purple hue was applied to his right cheek, and he was just adding a bit of glitter to it to make it really stand out more than it did earlier. "Steven? Are you about ready? The concert is about to begin" Pearl stated after rapping her knuckles against Stevens dressing room door, "can I come in?" she asked. "Yeah come on in! I'm almost ready!~" Steven answered eagerly, turning his head and smiling to see his manager Pearl enter the dressing room. "I saw Peridot, poor girl has been covered head to toe in glitter, I'm guessing she walked into a trap that was set up for me?" Pearl asked after closing the door behind her. "Yeah, Amethyst wanted to prank you. Anyways, is it almost time?" Steven asked, getting excitable by the second, almost bouncing in his seat once again. Pearl chuckled at his eagerness, "yes Steven, after Spinel's opening act, which shouldn't take to long, I'll lead you from your dressing room, and you'll then placed in position for you to rise up on stage to sing your songs~" she answered while smiling happily. Steven frowned a bit at that, "I don't get to see Spinel sing?" He asked, a bit dissapointed really, and it showed on his face. "Well....if you want to I see no issue with that, we just need to make sure you're in place for when you perform" Pearl answered after giving it a bit of thought. Stevens smile returned as he shot out of his seat, "well let's go then I don't want to miss anything!" he pointed out just as quickly as he opened the door. "Whoa slow down Steven! You're gonna-" Pearl was about to stop him from rushing, but unfortunately, her pale blue eyes watched Steven collide with a certain someone.

    Steven didn't know what happened, one second he was jogging backwards,  then the next he was on the ground, having hit his tailbone on the hardwood surface. He winced a bit since his ass was now sore, but his eyes soon focused on who exactly he bumped into, which made his face flush from embarrassment. Spinel was also on her ass, but was looking more agitated about being knocked down, especially from the guy she particularly doesn't like. "S-Spinel! It's you! O-Oh I'm sorry!" Steven apologized as he scrambled to stand up, and once he was on his feet, he offered his right hand to Spinel. Spinel's pink colored eyes glanced at his hand before clasping it with her own right hand, and she slightly gasped from how easily she was lifted off the ground and back onto her feet. "Again I'm really sorry for bumping into you" Steven apologized, still grasping her hand in his, and honestly he didn't realize how small her pale hand is compared to his. "Ahem...." Spinel cleared her throat to clear the awkwardness she felt as she retracted her hand from his, "it's.....fine" she replied, trying to minimize her contact with him. Spinel's eyes studied Steven's face for a few quick seconds, taking in the purple star on his face, his signature symbol, a star that symbolizes hope and freedom for whatever reason. She also studied his outfit, light blue t-shirt with a yellow star on the front, his pink bomber jacket, tight blue jeans that are rolled up at the cuffs and his pink flip flops, his attire always makes herself question one thing, and that was how in the fresh hell is he so comfortable wearing a jacket and flip flops while singing and dancing?! "Uhm so.....good luck out there!~" Steven smiled enthusiastically, another one of his signature looks. Spinels gut wrenched everytime she sees that smile of his, and she forced a smile of her own to keep herself calm long enough for her to get through this night. Steven frowned softly when he saw that smile, it wasn't genuine, it was a lie, and he always hated lies. " to..." Spinel answered before moving past him, well, practically shoving past him to get to the stage. Steven watched her walk away in amazement, he knew she didn't particularly like him all that much, but he just couldn't for the life of him understand why. However, that didn't stop him from watching her walk away, admiring the outfit that complimented her so well. Spinels fuchsia dyed hair tied up in two ponytails, both of her ears pierced a few times, deep eyeliner and black mascara that made her pink colored eyes pop out more, a black leather jacket that partially covered up her crop top that had an upside down broken heart on the front, tight black jeans that are ripped, and combat boots that are spiked on the toes. What got him most was the upside down, broken heart logo, it was her signature, even if no one knew exactly what it symbolizes.

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