Time fliers

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  Today Jacks friend Max was coming over for a play date. At school they had organised to go into the wood behind his house where he had his secret den. Jack could not wait to have Max over for a play date and he thought Max was to, sadly they were in separate classes and  could only see each other at break. Finally it was the end of school and they were going to have their play date.  

       As soon as they got to Jack's house they went straight to the wood behind the house to find the den but in the den's place stood an old, rather large washing machine but because of their curiosity they climbed into the barrel of the washing machine. Suddenly the barrel of the washing machine started spinning. After it stopped they saw a cantankerous dinosaur staring down at them ,opening the hatch they started running knowing that if they stayed in the washing machine (although it acted as a time machine)they would be stomped on. Reluctantly they climbed a tree and hid in it. To their surprise the dinosaur didn't go after them but it just decided that the washing machine was good enough for his dinner. The children were in despair they thought that they would never see their families again,but just then a glowing figure appeared and told them to not worry there is another time machine here they just needed to go into a tyrannosaurus Rex's nest and break an egg and you will go back to your own time period. Luckily  for them there was a tyrannosaurus Rex's nest right below them so all they needed to do was jump down past the mum and land on a egg before the dad comes so they jumped.............................It seemed like a lifetime but it was only a few seconds. Wondering  if they were going to get swallowed by a Tyrannosaurus Rex or not, luckily they just made it and they both stamped on a egg. This time a portal opened up in front of them and they just made it before being gobbled up by the monster. When they got home they decided that they would stay inside for the rest of the play date but Max still couldn't help  playing with Jack's  collection of dinosaurs.

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