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( Marshall pov)

A soft beep fills my ears as I slowly become aware of my body.
It fills heave and slightly num.
I prize my heavy eyelid apart.

Where am I?
What happen?

The room is to bright for me to keep my eyes open so I close them and then try again.

The walls are all whit but slightly dirty.
I'm all alone.....

A small window to my left let's the light of the night in to the small room.

God my head hurts.

I close my eyes for a second before opening them.
The scars me and I don't know why.
Maybe it because it's so quiet.
Or maybe is because it's so bright in here.
Or maybe it's the filling in here.

Where is here?
What is this place?
What am I doing here?
What is that wired beeping sound?
Why is t her thugs going in to my arms?
What is happening?

What happened to me?

Wait how am I?


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