chapter 12 (dracos pov)

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"i know this nigga- i must be going crazy,  right?" i say to myself sitting in the car infront of the school

i start laughing as i say  "so he doesnt know how to listen"

"HE WANTS TO FUCKING DISOBEY ME AFTER I JUST BEAT HIS ASS!!" i yell as i hit my wheel hard as i can 

"its ok, its okkaayy" i say as i calm down and text keon to come out so we can "chill"

as he comes in the car and sits for a couple minutes it was very quiet until he said "hi baby"

"hey" i say giving him a one word response trying to hold in my anger until later

"i hope your still not mad at me for what i said, im sorry and i would never do anything you tell me not to" he says in a pleading tone

"wow this nigga really gonna sit up here and lie to my face, are you FUCKING SERIOUS, you know what let me calm down i cant do anything while were on the road" i think to myself

"yea i know im sorry i treated you like that but i just dont want to lose you" i say taking everything in me not to say it with disgust and not to cuss him 

he kisses my cheek causing me to feel disgust all through my body

at the house....

"go upstairs, shower and get sexy for daddy" i say

as he walks up stairs, i wait a while till i hear the water then walk downstairs to go get some "toys" for the night

"this nigga really set up here and lied to my face he had all the chance to tell me what happend but he lied" i say to myself as i grow angry

as i walk up stairs i make sure i lock every door and close the curtains "i have something for that ass" i say smiling thinking to myself

as i walk in my room i can hear him turn off the water meaning he would be out any second so i made sure to hide the "toys" quickly under my bed

as he walks out with nothing on "i say damn you look sexy" to get him in a good mood

"thank you daddy" he says coming up to kiss me but before he could i put my index finger on his lip

"not just yet i wanna try something new today" i say smiling

"what is it?" he says with a confused look

" i got some toys and i wanna use them but first i want you to put this blind fold on and im gonna handcuff you on the bed

"i dont know if im too comfortable with this-" he says but i cut him off

"its gonna be ok i promise" i say as i kiss his lip to get him to agree

"ok" he says as he lets me tie the blind fold up then i lay him on the bed and hand cuff both his wrists and ankles to the bed

"owww, their kinda tight" he says wincing

"chill out i gotchu" i say as i start to kiss on his body to calm him down 

"ok " he says as i go under the bed and get my toys

"im gonna ask you something and i want you to be honest with me, ok?" i say

"ok" he says

"how many relationships have you been in?" i say

"2" he says

"have you ever dated a guy" i say

"no you are the only one" he says

"have you talked to kendall since we started talking?" i say

"no" he says with slight hesitation letting me know that he was lying

i take the long bull leather belt and raise my arm high grabing the belt by the buckle and went across his stomach two fast and hard times

"AUGHHHHHHH!!!!" he screams loud, loud enough that if the house wasnt sound proof the neighbors would hear

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" i scream

"now DONT FUCKING LIE TO ME!!!!" i say yelling pure anger through my voice

"now did you ever do anything with kendall sexual?" i say calmly

"no" he says crying like a new born baby as i imagine him touching kendalls body

"YOU FUCKING LIAR, YOU LIAR, YOU LIAR!!!!!" i say as i hit him with the belt continuosly until i seen skin peeling off and blood on his chest as he screams and cries hysterically

"now im gonna give you one last chance" i say in a calm tone

"have you spoken to kendall in the last 24 hours?" i say calmly

"no, i promise" he says crying hysterically

"ok" i say calm 

"open your mouth" i say

"plea-" he says pleading

"open your fucking mouth" i say in a stern voice

he opens his mouth as i stick my last toy in his mouth "this could have all went a whole nother way if you just told the truth but you didnt, YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME!!!!" i say, yelling the last part

"but its ok, its okay" i say calmly as i take his blind fold off

as i take off his blind fold he looks down and start screaming as he sees the handgun in his mouth but due to it being in his mouth his screams were muffled

i smile " oh i see you have alot to say now but shh shh" i say as i stroke his face and he tries to get away but not being able to due to being handcuffed

"awww dont cry baby" i say smiling as i see tears come down his eyes

"see i ask you simple questions and you lied to me" i say calmly

he shakes his head crying trying to speak 

"aww your such a bitch, beg little bitch, beg" i say laughing 

"whats that,huh?" i say as i get closer to his face as he tries to speak but the words being muffled due to the gun and then start laughing again

"look at me. LOOK AT ME!!!" i say grabbing his jaw with my other hand

"i told you dont talk to kendall, right?" i say as a rhetorical question

"but i just seen you outside of school hugged up with him" i say and his eyes get big and he tries to speak

"didnt i tell you SHUT THE FUCK UP" i say punching him in the eye

"now i couldve sworn i told you to stay away from him" i say laughing 

"didnt i?" i say 

he tries to speak again but i take the gun out his mouth and pistol whip him "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" i say growing very angry and putting the gun back in his mouth

"you wanna know something i never liked you, this was always about kendall i seen you with him and i knew that the only way i could have a chance with him is if i got you away, but no your still here, HE STILL WONT GIVE ME THE TIME OF FUCKING DAY! but he seems to be very interested in you" i say smiling and laughing

"but that all ends today" i say as keon lays their crying and screaming

and there it went the sound the ringing sound almost sounding like fireworks on new years but not exactly as blood splatterd on my face due to me sitting on his chest and facing him and there he lied unrecognizable due to the blood and his face being deformed from the bullet

he was dead

this is the end of chapter 12 pls like, comment and share <3

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