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Me: I'm back!!! Let me tell you though... I am excited to write this chapter. Do note this will pick up where the last chapter left off. There is some gore.
(Y/n) collapsed on the floor, face first. Husk being the only one in the room, looks over and stares for a second. He then grabs a bottle of cheap booze and walks over. He examines the body, checking for a pulse. It's faint, so Husk moves (Y/n) into the kitchen grumbling. Angel walks down the stairs and see's the scene.

Angel rushed over, "(Y/n)!!"

Husk sees him and grunts, "little help here!"

Angel helps move (Y/n) to the kitchen where Husk sets him up on a flat surface.

"What happened!?" Angel asks.

"I don't know! The kid just teleports in here and collapses sporting these wounds." Husks glares at Angel. "I'm not drunk enough for this."

Husk rushes to get his med supplies, Angel watches as (Y/n) faintly breaths. Some of the wounds have started stitching back up, but most of it remained. His stomach was cut open and Angel winced at the blood pooling by (Y/n). Angel put pressure on the places he could tell were bleeding too much.

"Husk, baby! He ain't got much time left! Hurry up!" Angel called out.

Niffty walks in and gasps. "Oooh no. That's not good." She speeds over and starts cleaning up the blood, mindful of the injuries.

Angel smiled in thanks, but used all of his hands to help stop the bleeding. Husk walks in and sets his kit by them. Husk pulls out a needle and some thread. He starts to carefully stitch up all of the deep cuts. He leaves the tubing connecting to the missing organs open. He then draws some blood and puts it in a tiny bottle he seals. He then takes out a bottle labelled morphine. He looks at (Y/n)'s body type and then pulls in a certain amount of the drug before injecting it. He looks between the two.

"Either of you fuckers know what blood type he is?" Husk asks.

Both shook their head.

Husk sighs, "Great. The only person would be Alastor and he's ignorin' him."

Angel stood up straight. "Let me ask that asshole. I got shit I wanna say anyway."

Both looked at Angel like he was crazy. "He'll kill you if you aren't careful, kid. Good luck."

Angel walked off glaring. Angel clenched his fists and walked up to Alastor's office. He knocked loudly, pounding the door.

"Hey! Fuck wad! Get yur ass out here!!" Angel yelled.

Alastor opens the door, his malicious smile on. "WHAT? What pray tell is so important?"

Angel glared at him, "(Y/n)'s gonna die unless you tell us what blood type he is!"

The colour drains from Alastor's face. "What? I highly doubt that, Ange-"

Angel cuts him off. He glared at Alastor and fisted his hands. "WHAT. Blood. Type!?"

Alastor refocuses on Angel and answers, "O positive. He's O positive. Where is he?"

Alastor had no smile on his face. Angel led the way in a sprint. When they arrived in the kitchen Alastor stopped at the door.

"O positive!" Angel yells and goes to sit beside (Y/n).

Alastor walks over slowly, "Who did this?" His voice was chilling, dripping with malice.

Angel turned swiftly and glared, "Don' know, but YOU should. He was unconscious when he got here."

Alastor puts an empty smile on his face and asks, "Any other information you need from me?"

Husk looks up from his work, "Any allergies?"

Alastor shakes his head. "None. Now if that's all..."

Alastor walks out, ignoring Angels yelling. Alastor dashes to his office. He sits on a love seat and lets the tears pool from his eyes. "I'm sorry..." he mutters. He covers his face with a hand.

Husk begins a makeshift blood transfusion. It seems to help. The wounds from the Angel blade still didn't heal like the rest of the wounds. (Y/n) has color return to his face.

"That's all I can do. Rest is up to the poor sob." Husks grunts.

Husk then starts testing the blood he sampled. Angel stayed to watch, a frown on his face.

"It was Vox wasn't it? The rapist." Angel asks. He hugs himself with his lower arms, the upper two gently massaging (Y/n)'s arm.

Husk shrugs, "Signs of being drugged, drunk, and extra water found in the blood. Possible rape, Probably... coupled with torture.."

Angel sighs. "You think he'll make it?"

Husk nods, "Probably if he doesn't catch something. Angel blade wounds were minimal."

Angel nods. "I'll watch over him. It's probably a bit of my fault...."

Husk raises an eyebrow.

Angel continues, "He was asking me to come with him earlier. If I had, he may not have had this shit happen."

Niffty holds Angels hand, "I'm sure its not your fault. Don't blame yourself."

Two days later and (Y/n) was still unconscious. Pattie was crying, cuddling her dad as he got better. Angel had watched over (Y/n) as often as he could the first fee days. Husk instructed everyone on how to put in an IV so (Y/n) didn't get worse. Alastor hadn't visited (Y/n) since. Except now, Alastor sat at his side.

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open. He moaned and reached up to feel his half regenerated fingers touch his face. (Y/n) tenses and looks around, tiredly. Alastor holds the hand closest to him. His grip tightens.

"Whah? Where 'm I?" (Y/n) looked at Alastor confused, his vision blurry.

Once (Y/n)'s eyes focus he sees Alastor properly and memories starts flashes in his mind. His breathing speeds up and (Y/n) starts crying. Alastor felt his own tears spring to his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Alastor says.

Alastor hugs (Y/n) on the bed. "I'm so sorry..."

(Y/n) frowned, "Why? Why didn't you come?"

Alastor sobs, "I was upset witchya. I thought maybe you deserve a bitta pain... I failed ya."

(Y/n) nods, "Okay..."

(Y/n) slowly closes his eyes, his breathing evening out. Alastor gave a short laugh in disbelief. He sat up and held (Y/n)'s hand.
Me: Hey! This is a filler. Next up is fluff

Alastor x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now