VII The Chariot: The Dried Well

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The Arcanas' power are tied to the people that connect with them. When we broke the Devil's chain on Valdemar, it gave Death a portion of their power back, allowed him to exist in the magical world and gave us some aid.

The illusion we saw in Asra's oasis still haunts me, and now Magician shows himself like this. I am scared to find out what the Devil did to Asra. What if he doesn't recognize me? What if he turned to a monster like Valdemar?

Magician sways his fluffy tail, patiently awaits our approach.

"Magician?" When we get closer, I can see his eyes, beautiful magenta just like Asra's. I call uncertainty, not sure if he can still understands us.

Magician didn't speak, but slowly answers in a nod of leisure.

"What happen to you?" I walk up and kneel in front of Magician, press down the urge to pat him in the head. The tiny fox squint their eyes, the look reminds me too much of Asra.

He gets to his feet and walks pass me, the tip of his tail brushes my arm.

"Err...what does he want?" Julian panics slightly when magician stops in front of him and sniffs the air around him. He circles Julian a few rounds, piercing eyes lock on Julian as if examine him.

"I'm not sure." I try to interpret if Magician's strange behaviour means anything. Magician's words were already like riddles when he intends to help. Without words, it's even harder to understand what he means.

"Magician, we are tying to find Asra. Do you know how we can find him?" Magician turns at my voice and walks away from Julian. When he walks beside me, he stops to gaze into my eyes, then continue to march forward.

Malak takes off from Julian's shoulder and glides over to fly alongside with the Magician. The wind of him swooping by snaps me out of the temporary perplexity.

"Julian, hurry! Catch up with Magician!" I lift my legs to run, and shout for Jullian to catch up. Magician turns back at us with a last look, then dive and disappears behind the hill.

"Which way did he go?" We break into the tropical forest in a run. Julian stops and look around feverish when we can't spot the fox anywhere. Malak caws from a branch a distance away, and we sprint over.

The Magician's realm is a place of forever night, but strangely, we can see clearly in the woods. Thank to this, we were able to catch up with Magician without stumbling into the rocks or twisting roots.

Magician leads us into a clearing in the forest. The starry purple sky shines above us as we leave the cover of the foliage. In the centre of the clearing, there is a spot that looks very different from the environment around.

The earth is black and dry like it's been torched, there's no grass on the the ground. A withered oak tree stands alone in the dead land, it's branches stubbornly climb over a well, almost looks like it's hugging the well in its arms.

Magician sits gracefully with the oak tree, eyeing us as we approach.

"Is this what you want to show us?" Magician does not answer. How can he possible answer, when his power was taken from him.

I carefully look at the well. If Magician brought us here, there must be some clues around.

"It's all dried up." Julian points out as we lower our head to exam the inside of the well. It is obviously dried up long ago. Dust and earth filled the inside instead of water, crack lines spread over like spider web.

I frown and turn away to look at the oak tree instead. It is withered, but I can still feel life flowing in the depth of it, though it might not live long without any water. The tree is crooked. Its trunk thick, with the color of mossy earth.

I was shocked when I realize the pattern on the trunk almost resembles a human face, leaning to the well with eyes closed. I turn to the Magician for answer, but he's not there anymore.

"Do you crave to live too?" I couldn't resist putting my hand on the tree, stroking down its trunk, hoping this would somehow comfort it.

"Julian, I want to fill the well." Julian leans on me from behind, face buried in my shoulder as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Yes, anything you say, my love." He nips me gently on my neck, I smile and turn around, pull him lower to kiss him lightly on the lips.

Conjuring water was never my strength. When Asra made it seems easy, it took me years to finally manage it. Luckily we have all the time in the world now.

My palms glow as I concentrate on my magic. Stream of cool water springs from the light. I feel gratification just before the water hits the well floor, and evaporates into steam with an angry hiss.

"What... what was that?!" Julian gasps as the steam rise up and dissolve into nothing.

I stare at the ground, seems to see something squirms underneath when the water was poured on it.

I try again. This time, both of us see it! Metal chains squirm like worms as my magic hits the ground. It disappears again when there's no water left in the air. I climb into the well without hesitation.

"Wait wait wait! What are you thinking?!" Julian grasp my wrist, one of my foot dangling at the inside of the well, ready to jump in.

"Magician brought us here, it must means something. I'm going to break the bind." Julian's eyes widen, then barks out a short laughter.

"Always so ready to save anyone. Let me come with you then. Surely two is better than one on a task like that." He climbs over and jumps into the well, then held out his arms to catch me when I drop in.

Julian puts his hand on my shoulder as I summon my power. I can sense water running underneath, blocked by the chains bedding on the surface. The chain is long, it climbs on the well wall, and extends outside to wrap on the tree.

I reach down to pull on the chain, a searing pain instantly surge up from my hands. I bite into my teeth at the pain. Julian's grip on my shoulder tightened, he must be feeling it too.

"Are you ok, Julian?" The chains made burn marks all over our body. I can smell burnt hair in the air.

"Take as long as you need." Julian hiss through his gritted teeth. I turn to see him  grinning with his brows pinched in pain.

With the last pull, I find the chain stuck onto something deep in the ground. This must be the end of it. With the last bit of strength, I break the chain.

Water starts bubbling up the well, the coolness is soothing on the ugly burn. In the water, I can see the colourful oasis clearer than a reflection. This must be Asra's gate!

Before the excitement sinks in, the tree outside made a dangerous groan that sounds like it's pulling its root off the earth. The well shakes dangerously, and starts crumbling.

"Hurry up!" Julian grabs my hand nervously as I dive into the water, pulling him with me.

Around us, the chain glows just like before. I feel a wave of explosion lash out as we fully submerge into the water.

And then, everything goes quiet.

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