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My head...

— (Y/N)! —

What the hell happened...?
I was with Ichigo walking late at night when...
When something hit me on the neck and I passed out...

— (Y/N)! —

My eyes shoot open.

Ichigo is the first thing I see. He sighs — Finally, you're awake... —

— Yeah... But where... are we...? — I glance around the room trying to identify the place.

We are in a small room with dull grey walls and floor, there is no furniture around. Ichigo is merely three meters away from me. I notice that there is a metal door, probably leading out of this place, but it seems to me that it's shut fast.

He looks down — Dunno... But it has to do with the fact that someone shot us some thing in the neck that made us pass out. — his voice echoes through the room we're in.

— We're also... Both chained up to the wall behind us — he looks behind him and tries moving his arms up. They  move a little, just reaching his chin. I try to do the same, and get the same result.

All of the sudden, I hear ringing within my jacket pocket.

— Is it your phone, (Y/N)? — Ichigo questions with curious eyes.

— I didn't have it with me... —

I put all that aside and search in my pocket for the thing that's making that sound.

I feel a rectangular thing in my pocket, and take it out, as I do that, a key falls to the ground with a clinking sound.

— It is a phone... — I inspect for some sort of clue.

— Did the guys who- — Ichigo gets interrupted by the phone's screen lighting up.

— ...Beginning voiced guidance. —

— Eh...? —

— The First Trial will now begin. —

— What is it ta- — Ichigo starts.

I quickly put a finger to my mouth as to signal him to shut up.

— Ichigo and (Y/N). Find the keys hidden in this room. Then use them to unlock your restraints. —

The key that I dropped...!  — I grab it from the floor.

— If you cannot do so before the time limit expires, the restraints on your wrists will activate... And your bodies will be ripped apart. By all means, please enjoy this thrill with all your body and soul. —


— The time limit is a healthy five minutes. And note that there are two keys, and one is for each person. Also, one of the keys can be used to unlock the door before the time expires. —

Just what the hell...?

— (Y/N)! We gotta focus! — Ichigo snapped me out of my trance. — The voice said two keys right...? You've got one, so try with your restraints to see if they unlock! —

My hands tremble as I try to unlock the handcuffs — Come on! Come on! — the key enters and the handcuffs unlock with a click.

kōkai | shin tsukimi [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora