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*long silky strawberry blonde hair
*beige skin
*freckled cheeks
*fox like teeth
*average height
*hourglass build
*Beady hazel eyes
*pointed nose
*round face
*long dirty nails
*smells like mint
*wears nasty torn clothes that probably havent been washed in weeks
*usually pantsless
*shitty earbuds

*night owl
*emotionally dampened

*lives in a forgotten shrine originally built to his beauty
*used to be very prominent and well kept but got bored of the whole routine of bewitching mortals for power and became a shut in
*used to be a nogitsune, now hes more neutral
*big fan of karma and solids
*so bored he sees his life as purposeless
*sensitive hearing
*hes going through an identity crisis rn
*sleeps in a hammock in his messy dilapidated shrine
*jack of all trades in linguistics
*has a rat dog
*loves the cold
*lacking in power compared to his prime years of being worshipped
*old man

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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