chapter 11 When to let the public know

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As the days go on they go on dates flirt and stay who they are.
"I wonder when I should  ask Matt to come with me to my parents house to celebrate my moms birthday?  Of course he knows I love him, I just someone there so none of my exes come up and flirt with me and try to get in my pants. While my boyfriend has yet to try, because he wants to take it slow and I love him even more for it."

"Hi Alex, Graham Norton wants you to be on his show in 1 month so you have anything planned?"

"It depends on when it's gonna be recorded. Do you know who is on it? "

"Its gonna be recorded in 1 month than be on days later, see I only see Matt Smith,and George Clooney 's name on it. "

"Hmm two people who mean a lot to me is Matt a devent guest?"  "Yes he is."

"I will do it."

1hr later

"Matt lets go on a date tonight."

"tonight around 7 come over to mine for some dinner and your favorite pie."

That night.

"Wowa Kingston you look amazingly beautiful."

"Thank you Matthew I have a few questions for you. "

"Let's eat first.""I  can't end already should I have had sex with her even though I'm waiting for our sixth month anniversary, because that makes it special."

"Hope he says to coming home with me and to let it known when we go on Graham Norton show for us to become public."

"Ok darling so I heard you are gonna be on The Graham Norton show soon, as am I."

"When are you gonna be on it?"

"Same time as you and I was wondering if we could go public then? Also next weekend is my sister's birthday and I want you by my side. "

"I would love to go with you and are you sure about going publc?"

"Matt I love you and I want the world to know."

"Let me think about...... yes but how would we do it?"

"I was thinking the last one to the couch would get a kiss on the mouth and respond enthusiastically to it. Of course we can practice it whenever and wherever we want".

"Lets do it love."

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