Is eating meat unethical?

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In short terms, no, it isn't.

Had we not resorted to eating meat, they'd have probably taken over us in means of population

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Had we not resorted to eating meat, they'd have probably taken over us in means of population. Let's say that we didn't eat meat. Would we be able to grow our crops fast enough? It's our mainstream source of protein, iron—  vitamin B-12! Just because the minor part of the population believes that it's unethical, doesn't mean that the vast population should all give up all meat. It's like children believing that milking cows hurts them, so everyone should stop milking them. Never going to happen, right?

What about withdrawal symptoms? A lot of our main foods would get given up, because it just had meat in it. Why is that? Because we weren't following logic. We decided to stop eating what we've been eating since the start of time, because of the smaller population's opinions. There'll always be ones who disagree, but we don't have to always follow their word. It's like sitting in math, there's a hard question on the board and the teacher asks for the answer from a student, who speaks out the answer that is the least popular, but everyone else has a different answer from that one guy. So they ignore them and go with the most popular answer.

Of course, there's vegans.

"Aha, so can't everyone transition away from meat like vegans?"
No. No they can't. And here's why.

Some people just can't leave that boost of iron, protein— nor can some people go to the gym all the time to get that muscle that is needed. We all have mental states, too, you know? Do you want to cause more chaos, more havoc, by shoving the major side of the population into not eating meat. Like I said, some people just can't do that, and having a lot of other people going to man-made supplements for support. People with ED's ( eating disorders ), who also would need those supplements— there's just no point in it all. Just because you think it's unethical?

It's just not possible.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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