The Council:The Title

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Meeting the council: The title

Lady wearing the gown =====>>>>

Another magical event happen to me which mean there is more, as I got the scythe back to and a flash of memories re-appear to me that I can use magic stuff or maybe memories of other leader like the

As I hear the door I immediately close the wall and fast going to the door and open it when I open the door I see a middle age man wearing a butler suit I ask him“What can I do for you Mister?”

“I am the head of the Butler of the Palace my name is Earl but you can call me butler Earl”
“You can call me Lady because it’s my first name is that all”

“No Lady the Council of Deus and The Council of Dea requested your presence in the dining hall for knowing your title and also dinner is serve at the dining hall and also the both Council request you to wear this gown for the title”

“Butler Earl Can I ask you a question why is it that there are two council and not decide one”
“Good question Lady because the of Dea is Goddess and the meaning of Deus is God

The Council Deus and Dea has a Leader called Deus Concilium to make the two council at harmony but the old Deus Concilium was lost cannot be found some say because of love and some say he died”

“Can I ask another” he reply me with only a nod
“Why do we need a title?”
“Because this school is a monarchy system which the highest is the Deus Concilium but

sometimes it change depend on the new ruler next is the council which is divided to 2 and its Dea and Deus next is the Queen and King next is the prince and princes the next is the Mage and the Last is the Knight. But if you’re not one of them you might be

Special and if not you will be title as a slave.”
“Thank you that’ all for now” I said and I have gone it to the bathroom and do the ritual and wear underwear cycling and a sleeveless shit and look at the gown the butler

gave me It looks like an Elizabeth era gown which consist of color gold silver black and
white with a gloves so I can hide the two marks in my hand the one for my scythe that I receive this day and my Aunt gave me for my birthday she said it will be useful in time

the two tattoo look the same but the armor is white and the scythe is black I ask Earl to assist me in wearing the gown because it’s too hard to wear it alone when I am finish I apply a heavy make and look in the wall mirror if I know the looks of my parent maybe

I look like them younger version only but sadly they died so move on is very hard to me but just keep moving forward and out away in my room. When I was down stairs I meet Earl and assist me outside to carriage.

It the way I ask Earl why do we need to use the carriage is it far to be reach and as a reply he only shake his head and said “The council request that all student must use the carriage for transportation”

And I ask him again why not use a car instead of a carriage and he reply with “We only use carriage for inside the school transportation because it still a monarchy system and uses the car for outside the school is that all you question Ms. Lady and I only nod.

When we arrive outside I see a Greek look like building and look quite outside and magical Earl tap my shoulder and said “hurry Lady the title is about to start” and he assist me only near at the entrance and leave.

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