Chapter 3

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Sometimes the Voice would speak of It's past.

Of crazy Shukaku who would do anything because he felt like it.

Of shy Isobu who didn't like fighting.

Of upbeat Chomei who was always so optimistic.

There were so many more though, but the Voice would never tell Naruto who these people were.

Very few times does the Voice speak about his 'Father'. Who wasn't his actual dad, but raised him like he was.

Who created him from destruction and death, and died with the hopes that peace everywhere would last forever.

That no one ever had to shed blood in a battle.

Only once did the Voice mention Asura and Indra. The actual sons of the Voice's 'Father'.

Their descriptions couldn't be more different.

Asura was talked about being highly loved by others and a cheerful, if clumsy, boy.

Indra, though, was unsocial and hateful, but a genius.

Though the Voice did go through a storm of muttering that had to do about some accursed eyes right afterward.

Naruto could feel the dark aura emitting from the Voice when It was muttering up that storm, never mind he hasn't even caught a glimpse of It.


"Ah! Naruto-kun, there you are. Are you ready to get some ramen?"

Oh, Naruto forgot today was the day Jiji visited him.

"Yeah, old man! Believe it!"

The Hokage smiled at him as they started walking to Ichiraku.

One thing the Voice was utterly strict and adamant about, was that he couldn't tell anyone he could hear It.

If that meant that Naruto had to keep being able to hear It a secret to the grave, then so be it.

The Voice talked to him when no one else would, and that was enough for Naruto to honor the promise he made It for entire his lifetime.

Otherwise he wouldn't be Naruto Uzumaki!

I admit, that last part may seem outrageous but consider this. Naruto hates breaking his promises when he was older, so why would that be any different when he was younger?

That doesn't even include the fact Kurama is his first friend in this timeline. (Though Kurama denies it of course, the tsundere :P)

Hiruzen, Teuchi, and Ayame don't count. Their more like family than friends.

I know it's been a year, but at the same time this chapters been done since February, 2020... My bad 0-0'

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