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"-for better for worse that's the reality Rosie and Morgan's gonna find a way to grow up in

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"-for better for worse that's the reality Rosie and Morgan's gonna find a way to grow up in..."

"So I thought I would do a little recording just in case of an untimely death at my part..Not that death at any time isn't untimely."

"This time travel thing we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, I'm just scratching my head of the survivability of it."

"-then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end" he pauses

the recording shows him Stand up closer to the camera

"what am I even tripping for? Everything's gonna work just the way it's supposed to.."

"I love you girls 3000."

the hologram shuts off in a quick motion. And a tear passes my cheek, eyes are all around the tension was unbearable. I looked over to my mom and smiled

"let's do this.." she said


I held Morgan's tiny hands. We walked out the house hand in hand. Everyone was there.

The Guardians, Avengers, Wakandians, And others. My mother, Morgan and I knelt down on the docks. Slowly releasing my fathers arc reactor.

And as the lake slowly motioned it in the river flow, we all had thought the same thing.

he's really gone.

And this was equally hard for everyone in the area. We all had some form of connection with Tony. Some form of relationship with him..

I won't lie, I miss him. Everyone does.

But I had to keep myself together. Not for myself but for Mom, and Morgan. And everyone else in this funeral.

We stood there for a good 15 minutes until the arc was barely seen to the eye. We all went in the house for dinner.

Everything was quiet only a couple chatters could be heard in the room. I went to the bathroom to do my business when I heard a noise.

Muffled crying could be heard from outside the bathroom

"Hello?" I knocked on the door

I heard rustling. The person was moving fast and probably trying to cover his little breakdown in my bathroom

The door unlocks to reveal a puffy eyes boy. His brown hair was disheveled, his white shirt was 1 button unbuttoned and his sleeves were wet, clearly from his tears.

"Hey, are you okay?" I kneel next to him

"y-yeah! I'm fine just reflecting I guess" he smiled

He was cute.

He stood quickly and wiped his tears again "I-I'm Peter by the way, Peter Parker" I stood up too

"Amelia, Amelia Stark. But you can call me Rosie" I smiled

Rosie was a nickname my dad gave me. Named after my middle name Rose

"Oh, you're Mr Stark's first daughter.."

"I've heard a lot about you, n-not that I'm trying to hear about you by being a creep or anything-"

"N-No I get what you mean" I smiled. I tucked a stray brown hair behind my ear

He must've been the young annoying kid from Queens I thought. Dad talks about him, especially during the 5 year gap from the Blip. But he wasn't annoying, he was adorable.

I saw him in the great fight, but I never saw his face. I knew him only by name and alias Peter Parker, and Spider-Man.

Plus I was too busy killing homicidal aliens in a suit dad left for me. Well not left, more like I stole from his lab without him knowing because I didn't want to stay at home while Morgan was asleep.

But Happy was there ;)

Dad said that he owed the fight to everyone he lost; the people he couldn't save. And the first name that came to his mind was him..

The kid from Queens

"He talked about you, you know?" I broke the ice and tension in the room

He looked up in confusion, "sorry?"

"Through the Blip. He always talked about the guilt he had for not being able to save you."

He tried to fight it but tears was starting to appear

"Gosh I'm so sorry" he sat down on the edge of the bathtub covering his eyes. With the sleeves of his button up. A button was unbuttoned from the tugging to wipe his eyes.

I knelt down and buttoned his shirt. I looked up to him and smiled.

"How are you taking this so easily?" He said

Oh little did he know. I cried my eyes out in the field and hours after. But I know I had to get over it. That's was dad would've wanted.

"Well Peter I believe that no matter how bad, or how good things get."

"Everything always comes back to the middle"

He looks up with his puffy red eyes. His shirt was still 1 button unbuttoned.

"I know it's hard but I promise you something good will happen." I mumbled

"But if I'm honest, I couldn't waste this 40 dollar make-up palette I bought" I giggled

He looked down and giggled

"Thank you." He stood

I gestured a hug to him. And we hugged for a good minute.

"Nice to meet you Amelia"

"You too Peter.." I walked towards the door picking up his jacket on the floor and throwing it to him and smiled

"By the way, just call me Rosie."

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