Chapter 4

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It has been two weeks from my recovery when all of the sudden I was back in the hospital. I was confused. Lily told me that I had spiked a fever and that I was breathing funny so she brought me back in to the hospital and they gave me a CT, they told Lily and me that I had a collapsed lung and that I would need surgery to fix it. (but I didn't remember the doctor telling me that). When I woke up Lily explained everything to me. Well I knew from this surgery I would be in the hospital for a few more weeks. The only bad part about being back at the hospital is the needles and the possibility of more PT, which wouldn't be fun. See three bullets put me through hell than I cared for. I wouldn't have been able to push through all of my PT appointments without Lily and Olivia. The nurse that has been taking my blood; her name is Rachel. She is a nice nurse. When my friends aren't in my room with me, Rachel is in there with me and we talk about a lot of random stuff. I do have to say as of up to now Rachel is my favorite nurse that draws my blood. If none of my friends are there when she takes my blood, she talks to me to get my mind off of what she is doing. She talks to me and my buddies sometimes too. I have to go and get my blood drawn every once in a while.
When I'm in the hospital I always ask for nurse Rachel. So, nurse Rachel said that I'll be getting discharged soon so that's good. My most frequent visitor was Lily. She brings her homework in my room and sits there keeping me company whenever she can. Her a nurse Rachel talk to me when I get my blood drawn or just to keep me company. With all of this happening it made me think of how lucky I was to have all of those friends by my side, when I was going through hell. The doctor told me that I get to go home tomorrow. I'm so sick of this hospital, it's the same routine every day. They wake you up early in the hospital, so they can check your vitals and make sure you're stable. Thank God I am going home today because I don't think I could stand another day in that hospital. General Endicott came and visited me while I was at home still taking it easy and still recovering a little. General Endicott told me that I could be in the van for this upcoming mission we have.
She told me that this mission would be taking place in our home town. Our home town is called Metropolis. This mission isn't as dangerous as most of our missions. But in order for me to be in the van my General said that I had to have someone in there in case they need help on the mission. I'm fine with having a partner in the van because it can get boring, but I don't know who I would have in the van with me. Endicott gave me three options of who could be in the van with me. She said I could either have Olivia or Lily with me or I could have both of them in the van with me. I decided to have both of them in the van with me cause if Olivia got called into help, I still have someone with me.
My stitches are coming out from my surgery last month. While all of this crazy stuff was going on in my life, I haven't been able to talk to my boyfriend. Oh, did I forget to mention that I have a boyfriend, Yeah, I do and I'm not saying who it is. So, when I was in the hospital, for however long he came and visited me and kept me company. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met and whenever a nurse came in and took my blood, he would hold my hand and talk to me to get my mind off from what the nurse was doing.
My boyfriend have been dating for about four months. I don't know what my life will be like in seven years, but what I can do is imagine what my future might look like. I could be married or I could have a boyfriend or I could just be single. That doesn't bother me because I have a pretty good job now. Now it would be nice if I had a significant other in my life later on in my future, and if I don't, I can live with that. But just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, they did. It was time for me to go in to have my stitches checked. They told me that they looked a little infected so they gave me an antibiotic shot and told me to keep an eye on it for a while. They sent me home after that and two weeks later I got my stitches removed.
But my story doesn't end here. Do you remember my ex-partner Ella well she is back? When me and Olivia managed to escape to get me to the hospital we didn't go back and trace her down, so she basically got away. Well now she kidnapped me again and someone else. She thought she grabbed me and Olivia but she didn't. She has me and Lily (she isn't a real spy like me but she thinks she is). My boss hasn't fully finished running tests on her that's why she's not a qualified spy. Since she was a criminal it takes longer for her to become an official spy. So now we are tied to each other. Now of course I had to be the dummy they hit again, and of course since Lily was still a trainee, she didn't know any of the codes and combinations that Ella wanted. So I ended up getting punched in the face again. It wasn't as bad as the first time. I don't remember much of what happened , all I remember is waking up in a hospital. The good thing is I only needed stitches.
After I left the hospital, I went home and got some sleep. While I was in the hospital I was told that Ella's body guards were arrested but she got away again. As you can tell my job can be pretty dangerous, but it also has its perks. I have gotten to travel to a lot of places, I thought I would never go to. The other nice thing about being a spy is you make a lot of money. I got to build my dream sports car, a Dodge Charger and its new. that's just an example of how rich I am. But there is a reason why spies get paid the big bucks (except the new members don't get as much), it's because our job is so dangerous, we go up against some of the most dangerous criminals.
My second favorite mission I have been on was when I went on a mission with my boyfriend. It was a risky mission so I knew I couldn't mess around. We both made it back safe and sound. We have been in a mission slum for two weeks until...
... That's right Ella popped back up on our radar.

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