Chapter 8

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I have this superman ring on my right hand but this ring isn't just an ordinary ring it slides open and a laser can be shot out of it. After a long sleepless night I wake up at 7:30 am and make a fresh cup of coffee. It was around 9:00 when Eric came to tell Lily and I what our next mission would be for him. We only have 3 weeks to complete this mission and it's a hard one. If we don't finish it within the three weeks he told us that I would be beaten so bad that I would need surgery to fix the torn ACL. Well the mission was going good but we only had a few hour's left to get the information that we needed. Well we didn't get information on time so the guards dragged us back. The guards held Lily back and two more guards came out with Eric and that's when Eric went to work and then I heard a pop and I heard someone scream.
The next morning, my knee was super swollen and I was in excruciating pain the next morning. Lily help get me to the hospital so I could have surgery. My doctor told me that me recovery would be about 3 months long. When I woke up there was a brace that was about as long as my leg. When I was discharged, I had to use crutches for about a month. After a month went by I would somewhat walk on that leg. Eric called to see if we could help him with another mission, well it's not like we had a choice. Lily was the one to go in and get the information while I was in the van telling her what to look for since I couldn't walk very well. Eric knew that me and Lily were an undefeated team that why he is keeping us for all of these missions. I had to keep up with my physical therapy while I was working with Eric. After a long three months my knee was back to 100%.
It has been a year since we started to work for Eric. We knew that he couldn't keep us captive forever, we were in this for the long haul. We knew our focus was to get our tech guy back. Through this entire year I had been tortured so many times. We have another mission from Eric and it is to track down Ella. Last time I saw her she had kidnapped Lily and threatened to kill her if I didn't leave her alone. Who knows what Ella is capable of now. It been years since I have last seen her. Ella was on the top most wanted list By the FBI and she was pretty much off the radar of any one, but apparently Eric has had contact with her and he somehow tricked her into giving him her address. Eric has this charming side to him but you rarely see it. He gave us her address and told us to take our time with coming up with a plan of how to bring her down. Lily and I just figured how to get Ella back on to our raidar. It took us a few days before we put the plan into action, but it was worth it. Our plan worked we brought Ella to Eric she was not very happy with me and I ended up getting a black eye from her.
Just when I thought things couldn't get any stranger. Eric gets down on one knee and he says
" Ella I love you so much darling and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honor and Marry me?"
" OMG Eric! YES I will marry you"
I look over at Lily and we go back to our room. On our walk home we had a very nice conversation. I told her that I could not believe the King of Torture found someone who would be his wife. The next morning. Lily and I get greeted by Ella and Eric. Eric told us to take the day off and to get the rest of the team so they can all witness the wedding. After the wedding Eric had me and Lily right back to work. Ella was in the middle of tracking down a world class drug dealer and now she handed the mission off to me and Lily. This drug dealer lived in a country you would want to be right now, and he was also dangerous. Eric told us that we could have our whole team help us with this mission but me and Lily were the ones who had to be the ones to interact with him.
We informed our team on what they had to do and we went straight to work. With my whole team helping us it only took a day to track this guy down. Eric told me and Lily we had to kill this drug dealer without getting our self's killed. This mission was done in two days and Eric was impressed. We had to keep working for Eric as long as he wanted us to, we worked on holidays too, except Christmas and the Fourth of July. Some Days we worked for Eric were hell and some days were great.
Mission 13
You will need to rob the biggest bank in Russia and along with that you will need to figure out a plan of how to get there and hew to get in without being caught. You have a tight window to get this mission done.
We had no idea where to start but we knew we needed to come up with a plan fast. But before I get to that I have one thing to say. The very last mission Eric had us do was the hardest and there is a twist you would never have expected. Now back to the current mission. Just when we were about to give up coming up with a plan over pizza and beer it hit us. We would go undercover as these business investors and we want to open a bank account in the bank we are suppose to rob and we get the bank teller to lead me back to the safe and I would get her to trust me enough to leave me alone with the safe. The plan we came up with worked and we walked out of that bank with about $5 trillion dollars. That was a score of a lifetime but Eric and Ella would be the ones getting that money and I know me and Lily would never see a cent of it.
We may have not gotten paid for that mission but Eric told us that we just had to do one last mission for him and he would let us go.
"I'm going to tell you what the mission is but I want you guys to think about it before you say you'll do it, and if you say no then you'll be working for me for a very long time" Eric said
Last Mission
You must break into your own headquarters without General Endicott finding out about it and you'll need to take all of the weapons from the safe and give them to Eric, and the safe were you will give Eric all the money and gold from the other safe you guys have. Eric and Ella will be going with you if you decide to accept this mission.
I wanted to be done working for Eric, I knew Lily did too. So the next day I told Eric that we accept the last mission. Eric told the team that he would provide us with all of the tools that we would need for this mission. He also wanted to be in on our plan considering he would be the one coming with us along with his wife.
Lily and I had to go and inform the team on what we had to do for this last mission. We made a full proof plan with an extra step that we wouldn't tell Eric. We would pack our bags and act like we were done working for Eric. We would enter the Headquarters when everyone went home for the night and since we have all of the codes for everything no alarms would be set off. Eric had all of us board his private plane. It was a long flight home and Eric made sure that all of us had enough coffee so we could complete the mission. We got back to our headquarters and everything was going according to the plan. All I had to do was give my teammates the signal and I would turn around and do my move. We had informed Endicott about our plan and she was in the building hiding. We had gotten the weapon vault open when Eric was distracted I gave my team the signal and I turned around cocked my gun pointed it at Eric's head and killed him with a bullet to the head. Ella came running in and my team tacked and handcuffed her and put her in a cell. General came down to where we were and congratulated us for taking down the torture king. We were Eric's prisoners for three years.

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