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Elizabeth looked around, she recognized this place. It appeared in her dreams before stone, gold, sand, smooth, and rough walls. A musical flooring that sounded when you stepped on it. She didn't know what this place was but she had been here before in her dreams. Just then everything went black as all her dreams did. She was waking up. She glanced open her eyes to recognize the paleness of the white walls in her room. She then shut them wishing to go back but she didn't, giving up she got out of bed and choose what to wear. It was a Saturday so she was in no rush. She then put on her brown glasses and decided on pink, blue, and white shirt that had some wording on it along it with a pair of blue jeans. She then decied to leave her hair down with two little braids on the side which came together in the back.

She then went downstairs to see what was for breakfast it was nine'o'clock so it should be ready. She could smell waffles coming from the kitchen. "Hey squirt, what do you think of breakfast pretty neat right?" her dad said as she walked in. Her dad was tall with the same brown and black hair as her.

"Yeah, they look delicious," Elizabeth said as she opened up the fridge to see if there was any chocolate syrup to go with her waffles.

"Your still not eating chocolate syrup with waffles, are you?" her older brother, Brad remarked. He on the other hand only had brown hair with brown eyes like their dad and was well musceled.

"Oh, shove it in your face Quarterback," Elizabeth replied her brownish-black hair falling in her face.

"Your just jealous that you can't reach mom and dads' standards as I have," he said.

Elizabeth wanted to lash back but it was true her brother was a star football player in his junior year at high school while she is just freshman, band kick out, with a whole lot of talent that her parents want her waste because it's not traditional.

"Hey, don't taunt your sister like that she is going to become a perfect school teacher like her mother," her dad said. School teacher? She thought to herself that is the last thing she wanted to do.

"Dad you know I'm wanting to be an Artist," she replied pitifully.

"Calm down," he said, "I was actually wanting to talk to you about that, me and your mom have figured out a solution to our problem where you can still be an artist and be what we want you to be."

"What?," she said.

"An art teacher! It's a perfect solution I mean-"

"No!" Elizabeth couldn't take it anymore, "I'm not going to be an art teacher or any kind that you and mom expects me to be! Your always telling Brad to do what he wants! So why can't I? Is it because I'm a girl and that's the only career I can do? It's the 21st Century! Grow up!" she stopped. She went to far this time. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it," she said as she grabbed her chocolate syrup covered waffles. "I should go, hope you have a good day and I'm sorry." She went up to her room she hated it when she let her temper take over. At Least parents tried to find a solution so that they could both get what they want but she wouldn't be a good teacher. She hates mornings, she is terrible at giving people directions, and she wouldn't enjoy it having a set course. She shouldn't have insulted her brother like that too he worked really hard but why couldn't he see that he messed with a very sensitive subject. She looked around her walls and then out the window to feel that tug in her chest she felt when she woke up every night. She was trapped by her own family without even realizing it. The expectations, reputation, standards, basically everything. They were nothing but chains to her. Art was a way for her to express herself without hurting anyone she loved but if she was teacher that would just give her more chains and it would be to her art she couldn't take that. Not anymore, she had to get out of here away from anyone. She could feel the stress of it suffocating her. She needed air.

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