dress up - castiel

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imagine: cas' reaction when you had to dress up for a case

there was a case down in michigan at a fancy mansion which resulted to all four of you dressing up.

"y/n, what's taking so long?", dean your oldest brother, called from downstairs.

"i hate this", you reply, not wanting to leave your room.

"what? why?", it was sam's turn to ask this time.

"because...", you trail.

"i look weird", you continue, viewing your image in the mirror.

"we'll be the judge of that. come downstairs", sam says and you sigh in defeat, exiting your room.

you walk down the stairs and the boys look up, mouths agape. you wore a long black off-shoulder dress and a pair black heels and a bit of makeup.

     cas looks at you and you suddenly liked how you looked.

"y/n, you look beautiful..", cas says, awestruck.

"thanks cas", you give a small smile and play with your fingers, blushing.

"sammy, our baby sisters all grown up..", dean says, hugging you.

     when you pull away, you notice tears in his eyes.

"are you crying?", you ask, amused.

"what, n-no. your perfume is really strong, it's making me tear up", he lies.

"sure dean", sam laughs.

"you look amazing y/n" he hugs you and kisses your head.

cas holds out his arm for you and you slip yours through his. the four of you walk to baby and dean drives to the destination.

     you and cas sit in the back seat, your hand in his and your head on his shoulder. the drive was quiet and nice as metallica played softly in the background. it was definitely going to be a night to remember.


- zoe <3

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