upset - dean winchester

941 19 10

imagine: someone flirts with you and dean gets upset even after you turn them down

warning: smut

you and the boys had just finished a hunt and were all in need of a drink or two. the three of you head down to a nearby bar. the boys went to find a booth while you went to order the drinks.

"three beers please", you tell the bartender.

he nods and goes to get them. while you're waiting, a guy comes up to you.

"what's a pretty thing like you doing here alone?", he questions, leaning against the counter, smirking.

"im not alone", you simply state, not bothering to seem interested.

"well this place is kinda crowded, let's go somewhere quieter..", he puts his hand on yours.

"no", you move your hand away.

dean saw the guy and was about to get up but sam stopped him.

"relax man, she turned him down", sam says.

dean couldn't help but still be mad that the guy had the audacity to touch you. he wanted, so badly, to walk up to the both of you and use the guy as a personal punching bag.

sam noticed how pissed his brother was but he didn't dare do or say anything at that moment, his life was precious to him. the guy was talking about god knows what but you werent paying attention. the bartender brought the drinks and you could finally go join the boys.

you pay for the drinks and get down from the stool, the three beers in hand. you walk to the booth and set the drinks down. before you could sit down, the guy comes over once again and you groan out loud. sam found it amusing but dean.. dean looked like he could knock a tree down with his bare fist.

"i forgot, here's my number in case you wanna.. you know, have fun sometime", the guy says and hands you a paper.

you took it and crushed it in front of his face and his reaction was priceless. by now sam was trying to hold his laughter in but failed miserably.

"dude, not interested. you should really learn how to read people because i haven't been interested since the time i walked in here", you say with sass and he sighs, walking away.

you laugh and sit down.

the three of you had a few more drinks before leaving. dean hadn't said a word to you the whole time and you wanted to know why.

"what's up with you? you haven't said a word to me", you stop him from going into the bunker.

he doesn't answer, looking away, jaw clenched.

"why are you mad at me? what did i do-", he cuts you off.

"i'm not mad at you", he sighs, closing his eyes.

"then why the hell am i getting the silent treatment?" you ask, crossing your arms.

"because i don't like it when guys flirt with you!", he gives up, sighing frustratedly.

"babe.. you know i'd never flirt back. you know i'd never do that..", you say, holding his face.

"i love you..", you assure him and he looks at you.

you look at his lips before kissing him. your lips move in sync and it soon turns into a full on makeout in the bunker's garage. his hands grip your sides while yours tangle in his hair. dean steps back until he's leaning against baby. he turns the two of you around so you took his place.

he kisses down your neck and you moan in pleasure. he leaves bruises and wet kisses all the way to slightly below your collar bone. you tilt your head back and bite your lip. he slips his finger into the belt loop of your jeans as his other hand opens the back door.

he lightly pushes you to sit you down, breaking the kiss. you move in and lay down. he crawls on top of you, turning back to close the door before reconnecting your lips. you tug on his shirt and he removes it, helping you out of yours shortly after. he admires your body and you trace the lines of his abs.

"you make me weak to my knees..", he breathes out.

"show me how weak your knees get..", you say, both of you filled with lust.

he bit his lip and your lips are connected again. without breaking the kiss, he fiddles with the buckle of your jeans. he removes them and you felt his fingers brush over the now wet fabric. you squirm and he smirks into the kiss. he finally decides to move the fabric to the side, lightly teasing you by brushing his fingers over your throbbing skin.

"d-dean..", you stutter. he gives in and slips his finger inside you, curling them to loosen you out.

"fuck..", you moan.

he kisses your neck and adds another finger inside you. you grip his hair and he moans against your neck. your other hand reaches to his belt buckle and remove it before he helps you slip them off, leaving him in only his boxers.

he soon removes them too. he reaches to the dashboard and takes out a condom, slipping it on. he pushes inside you without a warning and your hand slides down the window behind you, trying to hold on to something.

after reaching both your highs, he pulls out of you and he lays beside you. you run your hand through his hair and smile at him, both your faces red and panting.

"i love you", he says and kisses you.

"the next time a guy flirts with you it'll be the last thing he ever does", he continues.

"okay there tiger", you laugh and sit up, slipping your clothes back on.

dean does the same. the two you get out of baby and go inside.

"so did yall have fun?", sam says from the study area, not looking up from his computer.

"what are you talking about?", you ask, playing dumb.

"you know damn well what i mean", he laughs causing you and dean to turn red.

"shut up man, mind your own goddamn business", dean says.

sam laughs harder so you crush a paper, throwing it at his head.

"fuck off sam", you roll your eyes, walking to yours and dean's shared room.

even with the door closed you could hear sam doubled over with fits of laughter. you couldn't help but smile at the events that took place tonight and at sam who was actually laughing so hard, he was probably crying.


- zoe <3

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